Name: Hino Rei
Other Identities- Sailormars, Princess Mars
Age: 14 (at the beginning of the series)
Bloodtype: AB
Birthday: April 17
Astrological Sign: Aries
Hobbies: Archery, meditating, fortune telling
Color- Black and red
Subject- Ancient Literature
Food- Fugu and thai food
Unchanging Love Interest: Yuuichirou
Subject- Modern Social Studies
Food- Canned asparagus
Mars Power, Make Up!
Mars Star Power, Make Up!
Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!
Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Sai, Zen. Akuryou Taisan! (repels evil)
Fire Soul!
Fire Soul Bird!
Burning Mandala!
Mars Flame Sniper!
Helpful Non-Attacks:
Her psychic powers (they give her the ability to have visions of the future and to detect evil spirits/energy).
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