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Name: Mizuno Ami
Other Identities- Sailormercury, Princess Mercury

Age: 14

Bloodtype: A

Birthday: September 10

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Hobbies: Swimming, playing chess, reading

Color- Blue
Subject- Math
Food- Sandwiches and anmitsu

Subject- None, IQ=300
Food- Yellow Tail Tuna

Mercury Power, Make Up!
Mercury Star Power, Make Up!
Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up!

Shabon Spray!
Shabon Spray Freezing!
Shine Aqua Illusion!
Double Shabon Spray Freezing!
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!

Helpful Non-Attacks:
Her super mini-computer allows the senshi to locate where their enemy is much faster. It also analyzes what type of youma they are fighting, whether or not they have a barrier up, their energy levels, etc.
Please Visit These Wonderful Sites for More!!!

IceSenshi's Lake of Illusions
Liquid Mercury

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