Sailormoon is a Shoujo Anime that is most basically about saving the world. It begins with only one girl named Usagi, who, at the beginning of the show's 5 year run, is about 14 years old. She is somewhat of a ditz (or so she is depicted): failing tests and overreacting much of the time, however her sweet disposition is her redeemer. How Usagi became Sailormoon With the help of Luna, Sailormoon finds Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus. This group is known as the Inner Senshi, and in a lot of cases they are the most close in age and in friendship. Eventually they also find Pluto (who technically finds them when she helps Usagi's future daughter), Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn. They also eventually add the senshi-in-training: Chibimoon. The Outer Senshi are much more mysterious than the Inner Senshi but, through tests of courage and trust, they become incredibly powerful allies and devout friends. The entire senshi team is put through a lot of turmoil but by some miracles they are able to carry on and they never give up.
For the record, I have recorded basic stats on the senshi from Hitoshi Doi's Site since I don't have them memorized off the top of my head. I do add in a little of my own knowledge, but for now I'm just sticking to the basics (maybe I'll include more later.)
I also searched the web for hours to find the best specific shrines I could. However, if there is an excellent site out there that I just couldn't locate (and exceeds the quality I have provided you with), I would greatly appreciate you dropping me a line to tell me the address ^_^! I disclaim the pictures of the senshi I posted, these are not my scans.
Tuxedo Kamen
Luna, Artemis, and Diana
Awesome Sailormoon Sites!
The Moon Garden
Disclaimer: The author of this excellent series' manga and original storyline is Naoko Takuechi.
The animation company is Toei, which broadcast Sailormoon on TV-Asahi. Manga rights belong to Kodansha (last time I checked, but that may have changed because of Takeuchi's dissatisfaction with them.) The dubbing company is DiC and other subbing rights have also gone to Pioneer. All other rights to Sailormoon belong to those companies respectively. I am in no way an official, an expert, or an affiliate. Don't sue me, I have no money!!
© Minky, '01