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SailorStara & Sailormoon87's Moonguild


+ Pharmacy Shop   
+ Members Shops   
+ Book Shop   
+ Food Shop   

Members Only Stuff  

+ Medince Help   
+ Member of the Month   
+ Birthdays   
+ Comments   
+ Vacation Let-Knows   
+ Wishing Well   
+ Pet Pets   

Guild and It's Members  

+ Guild Rules   
+ Members Emails   
+ Re-elections   
+ Members

For thoses of you who are new to this and do not know what re-elections is i will explain now. The guild concil gets changed once in a while. Also everyone in the guild has a change to be on it! About every Month we take everyone down and you have a chance to send in you application. The fist 3 people to sent it in will be on the concil.

When are Re-elections?
you probably want to know when they are since you are reading this. We will have re-elections once a month unless i change my mind. If i do it will be posted up here so check back when you have the chance.

When is the next Re-election?

The next Re-election will be somtime at the end of March.

What Spots are there?
Th Three Other spots are Moonie Of the Month, 2nd Vp Moonie, and Post Monnie

What does each spot do?
Moonie Of the Month=The moonie of the month is also Known as the member of the month. The member of the month will be choosen by the members activities and how well he/she does at everything. Some things that can help is posting lotz, winning the games, and donating.
Second VP Moonie=The second vp moonie will be the one that helps me, SaliorMoon87, Take care of the guild and run my arrands. The second Vp moonie will sign on to the Shop stores and supply them with food if ask by the guild leader or The 1st vp moonie, me. The 2nd Vp Moonie mush be able to do what is ask and be one at least 3 out of 7 times a week. They will be needed greatly. Note that the 2nd Vp moonie will have the biggest responsability then all of the three so you have to be able to help 3 times a week!
Post Moonie=The post moonie is in charge of watching the members activness. When they see a member that has not been on for a while or has never posted he/she is in charge of neo-mailing them. If the person is a child and is not allowed to post you should somehow let us know by emailing me at If a memeber can not be reached at all of at least 6 months and they can send out neomail, you may stop neo-mailing them.

What Do you expect from me before i apply?
To be on the council you have to do 5 things:

1)Donate at least one food item
2)Post at least 10 messages before you apply
3)Have good progress and be nice!
4)Come to the guild at least twice a week
5)If you go out of town tell us!


+ Scramble  
+ Guess the Member  
+ Win-A-Prize  
+ Math Questions  
+ Guess the Picture  
+ Science Questions


+ *~The Sincere Sailor Moon guild~*  
+ Gardians of the Moonlight  
+ SailorMoon  
+ Sailor Moon  
+ World of Anime  
+ Sailor Moon's Kingdom

Random & Fun Stuff

+ Web Rings  
+ Members Linkies  
+ Money Help  
+ SailorMoon Dictionary  
+ Adoption Palace  
+ Your Dreams mean...  
+ Flirting tips  
+ Fan Fic Area  
+ Polls