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Guild and It's Members  

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+ Re-elections   
+ Members

MOTM means "moonie of the month. Each month we will be watching members progress in the guild and if we see good aditude then we may put them up

When do you change MOTM?
When we do the re-elections we change the MOTM.

Where can i find out about Re-elections?
If you go to the home page of the site, under the categorie "The guild and it's memebers" Go to re-elections. It will be there.

What do i have to do to be the MOTM?
If you want to be member of the month all you have to do is a few easy things.

1)Donate a few items
2)Post at least 10 messages before evern consitering it.
3)Do well at some of the games. Even if you do't get anything right!
4)Come at least once a week and be devoted.
5)Be nice to eveyone

Do I get anything?
Yes you do get something if we remeber. You get a free item (it may be small), and all of the guild people have to be extra nice to you ^_^.

Can I be it again?
Yes! Apsolutally! There may even be a chance of being it two in a row!


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+ *~The Sincere Sailor Moon guild~*  
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