The rules of the guild will be very simple. No harsh stuff like Ex: Dont clap your hands *lol*. You will proble think they are easy enough to remeber. We will be adding to it if we see something we dont like or needs to be done. Thankx you guys are the best.
- Do not post any unaproriate words on the guild borad.
- You have to post at least 10 messages to be on the guild council.
- If you have recived a message about not posting please reply to it so we dont lower you rank.
- If you are new please go read the newbbies help or neomail me or sailorstara to ask for help.
- If you do not have parents prommision to play neopets, you may post messges Here.
- If you have a problem, comment, or suggestion about the guild please neomail me or sailorstara.
- You have to come to the guild at least once a week if you are a regualar member
- If you are on the council you have to come to the guild at least 3 times a week.
- Council people are required to join contest unless they really dont want to.
- If you are on vacation neomail me or sailorstara and let us know so we dont lower you rank while you are gone.
- If you talk about another guild you will get a warning then you will suspend you only for a week.
- If you are nor a member of the guild you may proticipate in all of the contest and evern win the prizes
Thankx you guys