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Before we begin this venture into the the world of the Tenchi Muyo OAV universe , my team of incredibly high priced bloodsuckers, er lawyers tell me that unless I want to pay their fees I must tell all of you that I do not own Tenchi Muyo and its related characters. I also do not own Frank Herbert's novel Dune. I simply used the name of a planet within the Dune universe, Calaban because the name is so perfect for the home planet of a noble. I do own Trinth Milodon and would be forced into severe action if someone used him without my authority(not to say I wouldn't grant his use if it was requested). Thank you very much for listening to this rant and enjoy part 1 of....

Silver and Gold

Part 1- A Discovery of the Past

It was another one of those routine spring days at the Masaki household. Sasami was cooking, Ryoko was sleeping, Ayeka was tending to Ryu-Oh, Washu was in her lab doing lord knows, and Mihoshi was at the shrine sweeping.
"I'm finished!" Mihoshi called out in a joyous voice. She looked around herself to see no sign of Katsuhito.
"That's odd." she stated. "He usually strolls out of the shrine and comments on how I've done. This is really strange." Mihoshi dropped the broom and announced in her best detective voice "I'll find Grandfather!"and with that she dashed into the shrine office. Her search was short-lived as in her mad dash she tripped over a box of odds and ends.
"Oww!" she wailed as she rubbed her now sore shin.
"Now, now. What's all the fuss in here?" a mello voice spoke. Mihoshi looked up to see a concerned, and somewhat amused, Katsuhito gazing down at her.
"Ohh, umm, I was kind of worried when you didn't come outside when I called so I came inside to look for you and I sort of fell over this box." she stammered a she pointed to the overturned container.
"Mihoshi? You didn't forget that I said I'd be training Tenchi today, did you?" Grandfather questioned.
"I, I, I, uh, um.." Mihoshi squeaked as she broke into tears. An exasperated look flashed across the old man's face.
"No need to cry about it, child." he said mildly, "We'll just clean this up and forget the whole thing." Mihoshi's eyes brightened as she nodded eagerly in agreement to the elder's plan.

The clean-up was just about over. Most of it had just been old junk like broken bokken and unravelling robes. Mihoshi was about to cast yet another object into the box when a particular article caught her eye. There, in the corner of the room, lying face down, was a framed picture. She picked it up and looked at the image contained in the simple, silver and wooden frame. The picture was of two young men. One was standing very straight wearing Juraiin robes and a serious expression. Mihoshi recognized him as Yosho. The other, whom Mihoshi never had seen before, was a sharp contrast to Yosho's grim appearance. The man had shoulder length, wavy, silver hair and dark blue eyes. He was obviously very athletic and, judging by the pair of daggers in sheaths across his chest, a fighter of some mettle. His clothing consisted of a midnight blue tunic, white breeches and black boots that flared at their tops. Finishing the outfit was a black cape draped from his right shoulder. His stance and expression all seemed to reflect elegance and a bit of danger. Mihoshi was breathtaken by the sheer beauty of this unidentified nobleman.
"Katsuhito, could you please tell me who this is with you? Please?" she asked softly. He looked at the picture, then at the dreamy look in the young blonde's eyes.
"That, young lady, is Trinth Milodon. The Archduke of Calaban and my brother-in-arms from the old days... the days when I was both a prince and a knight of Jurai." Katsuhito's eyes misted over as he remembered his comrade.
"We went on many quests together. I was logical and reserved. Always trying to be tactical and efficient in our missions. Trinth was red-blooded passion. He had a brilliant mind, you must realize, but he prefered to rely on his exteme skill and his legendary charm. He was always the gentlman, always the life of parties. He was well versed in the study of the finer things in life. Trinth once said that he was just acting according to the old code. He was truly a knight of old."
"He sounds wonderful." Mihoshi whispered longingly. "Do you know where he is?"
"He lived on Earth for a time, 1947 to 2010 as I recall." Katsuhito replied, "He had come to visit me. He stayed those years and then left to tell my mother I was doing fine. I haven't heard from him since."
"Oh..." Mihoshi said disappointedly. "Grandfather, please tell me more about Trinth Milodon."

Four hours later: "Grandfather! Mihoshi! Suppertime!" called Sasami's voice from the house. Mihoshi looked outside and found that darkness had fallen. It was indeed suppertime. She had been listening to Grandfather's stories about Trinth for hours.
"I'm coming Sasami!" Mihoshi replied as she stood to leave.
"Mihoshi.... before you go... I want you to have something." Katsuhito spoke as he walked over to a large cabinet. Mihoshi's eyes opened wide as he opened a small metal box. He reaced inside and retrieved a framed photograph similar to the one Mihoshi had found earlier except Yosho was missing from the shot.
"I have a feeling that you might want this." he said as he handed her the picture. Mihoshi bowed deeply with gratitude and ran off, clutching the portait tightly to her chest as if it were Trinth himself.
Katsuhito thought to himself as he watched the girl run off,

After supper, Mihoshi decided she would turn in for the night. Once in her room dhe began to undress for bed. Halfway through the process, she caught a glimpse of her picture of Trinth. She had placed it next to the body-length mirror Ayeka had given to her as a birthday present. She sat down on her bed facing the portrait and thought about Katsuhito's stories about the Archduke. Stories about noble quests into deep space. Stories of battles and races that Trinth and his battle-cruiser, the mighty Gilded Talon had entered and won. Stories of Trinth at royal balls and sporting events. She sighed wistfully as she wished she had been a part of those times. She turned her gaze from the picture and stood in her black lace undergarments in front of her mirror.
the thought echoed in her mind as her eyes traversed the vision that was displayed upon the looking glass. Her scrutiny went from golden blonde hair to pointy, elven ears to big, bright blue eyes to her tiny fangs to ample bust to well-tanned stomach to long, flowing legs.
"People say that this is what the average guy dreams of, but Trinth, you're not average, are you?" She said lovingly to the portrait. "I do wish you could answer. I want so much to hear you, to touch you, to know you. Please Trinth, come to me."

Several days later:

"Mihoshi!" Washu was yelling at the top of her lungs. "Mihoshi. Thank God I found you!" Washu was panting as she ran up the shrine steps to catch up to Mihoshi.
"Mihoshi, I need you and your spaceship right now. Normally I'd ask Ryoko, but that daughter of mine has run off somewhere and Ryo-Ohki went with her."
Mihoshi was a bit confused by the actions of the scientist.
"Umm, Washu what do you need me and Yagami for?" Mihoshi asked politely.
"Fair question."quipped Washu, "I was testing a new piece of scanning equipment when it picked up an unidentified ship's distress signal. Naturally, I would like to respond to that cry for help. Now come on!" With that Washu grabbed Mihoshi's arm and ran towards Yagami's hangar. Within five minutes, the Yagami and its crew of Washu and Mihoshi were speeding towards the Mars region where Washu said she had detected the signal.

"Ship detected at three o'clock approximately forty parsects." reported Yagami's computer.
"Thank you Yukinojo." Mihoshi replied. They had been searching for hours and it was starting to wear her down. Washu was fussing with her scanner, trying to get it to work. "Change course to intercept detected ship." Soon a battered ship came into view upon the vidscreen. Its hull was charred soot black and had several large holes in it. Miraculously, the ship's ID number was still scannable from the rear vertical stabilizer.
"Yukinojo, please tell me port of origin, class, name and captain of ship #1184XJN." Mihoshi asked her ship. "Washu, do you know if this is the ship?"
"It's near where I detected the signal so it probably is." was the scientist's answer.
"Ship identified." Yukinojo stated, "Ship #1184XJN port of origin- Calaban class- Calab experimental battle cruiser name- Gilded Talon captain- Archduke Trinth Milodon"
Mihoshi trembled as the information sank into her mind. Tears were welling up in her eyes as she asked Washu in a broken voice to scan for life signs. Washu solemnly agreed.
"I found someone. It was kind of hard to scan though. There's a lot of subspace interference. I think that ship has subspace containment fields like the ones in my lab. I'll want to study that ship." Washu sounded eager to inspect the vessel.
"Washu" Mihoshi said in a severe tone, "we're going to board that ship and rescue the survivor right now."

Once aboard the Talon, the women found themselves walking down a dark corridor.
"Main power's down." Washu stated. She was scanning everything. Washu was a bit perplexed by this ship
Mihoshi, on the other hand, wasn't concerned with the ship in the least. It was the captain that filled her thoughts with worry and dread. she thought . Their forward progress was finally halted by a large, elaborate, metal door with odd writing on a plaque next to it.
"Calab writing." Washu remarked as she read it, "It says that this is the bridge." Washu held her scanner to the door. "There's good news and bad news. Good news is that our life sign is behind this door. Bad news is that with the power down we can't open it."
As soon as the word was out of Washu's mouth, Mihoshi leapt at the door and ripped it open. Washu thought,
Meanwhile, Mihoshi had walked into the dark bridge to find whoever was in there, praying with every step that it would be who she was seeking.
"Who goes there?" a weakened but clear and beautiful voice rang out. "Computer, initiate auxillary power and put some lights on up here immediately."
Once those words were spoken, the room filled with bright light. Revealing a blood spattered room and the point from which the voice was emanating. The voice was comming from an easy chair that had its back facing her. Not knowing what to do, Mihoshi answered the question.
"I am Galaxy Police Detective First Class Mihoshi Kuramitsu, with me is Doctor Washu Hakubi. We're responding to your distress signal."
The chair swivelled around and Mihoshi finally caught a glimpse of the owner of the voice. It was him, the Archduke Trinth Milodon and he was wounded. His mane of siver hair was caked with blood that was leaking from a three-inch gash on his right temple. His left arm appeared to be broken and he was clutching his cape around his side tightly. He was apparantly trying, and failing, to conceal the worst of his injuries; a section, roughly the size of half a bowling ball, had been cut from his right abdomen.
"I am sorry I do not stand to greet you." He said through gritted teeth that tried to withold incalculable pain and agony, "I am Trinth Milodon of Calaban. My ship and I have experienced some damage and require assistance."
"That's the understatement of the century!" Washu said flatly as she gazed quizzically at the injured man. "Your ship is bordering on scrap and it looks like you've taken a hit from a disentegration ray." she said while pointing to his right side.
"We'll be taking you with us to Earth so that you can receive medical attention and so that your ship can receive repairs." Mihoshi added. She couldn't stop looking at his mutilated figure. Mihoshi was snapped out of her thoughts as, much to her horror, Trinth attempted to stand up to offer his thanks. He got a few inches upright and crashed to the floor of the bridge, unconcious. His cape fell from his side, fully revealing his abdomonal wound. Mihoshi rushed over and knelt at his side. She removed his cape from its shoulder clasp and wrapped his stomach with it.
"I won't let you die." she whispered, "I can't allow you to, not until you know..."

With that, she and Washu transported the three of them back aboard the Yagami . Washu took Trinth to the sick bay to tend to his lesser injuries. Wordlessly, Mihoshi put a tractor beam on the Talon's wreckage. It was time to return to home.

Notes from the author: I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank you for reading this obviously long fic. I will appreciate comments and criticism. Please tell me what it is you liked/disliked about this my first Tenchi fic if anything at all. I wish you to know that your response will decide if part 2 sees the computer screens. Also, I'd like you to help me decide on the content of part 2, I have two incomplete versions; one regular, one lemon. Please give me feedback as to which one you desire.
Craeyst Raygal
