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An Otaku's Guide: mXX Rating System

For anyone just coming into the anime (especially parents) I have came up with an easy way to rate anime features through color codes and age.

White (All)
For "All" viewers.

Green (Y8+)
May contain: violence
Parental Guidance Suggested

Yellow (T12+ )
May contain: violence, gore, brief nudity, mild profanity, mature situations, mature themes
Parental Guidance Suggested

Orange (T14+)
May contain: violence, gore, some nudity, profanity, mature themes, mature situations
Viewer Discetion Advised

Red(M16+ )
May cantain: graphic violence, gore, nudity, strong profanity, mature/adult themes, sexual themes, mature/adult situations, sexual situations
For Mature Audiences

May contain: graphic violence, gore, constant nudity, strong profanity, mature/adult themes, stronger sexual themes, mature/adult situations, sexual situations
For Mature Audiences

Black (A18+)
May contain: violence, gore, constant nudity, graphic sex, sexual situations, profanity
For Adults Only!

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