In Dragon Ball, Bulma was a mixed up teenager with blue hair and a personality quirk that wouldn't allow her to shut up for a second. Now, she's blossomed into a mixed up woman with that same personality quirk. But, Bulma is very important to the team. She is a mechanical genius who can operate and fix anything. She is the one that discovers the capabilities of the Saiyan Scouter and enhances it for their own use. She also takes the lead in finding a spaceship capable of flying to Namek. Bulma designed the Dragon Radar, which tracks the locations of the Dragon Balls. Bulma is also fashion conscious and changes clothing and hairstyles during the series. She often wears clothing with either her name or "Capsule Corporation" on the item. Bulma has known Goku since he was a young boy. In the original Dragon Ball, Bulma had a crush on Yamcha. Although their romance blossoms, it was not permanent. In Dragon Ball Z she outgrows these impulses and settles her affections on Vegeta . They have a son, appropriately named Trunks. The original name for Bulma stands for bloomers (or girl's underwear). Her father is Dr. Brief, of the famous Capsule Corps.