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*Prince Charming
In Shining Armour*
Absolutely GORGEOUS! *dreamy sigh*
*dreamy sighhhhhhh...........*
I think he looks sexy here... How about you?
*gasp* Endymion, anyone told you you're extremely handsome?!!!!
....Hmm.. I guess so! ^_^
I like this picture! Endymion looks so cool!
One of the BEST pictures I've ever seen...
Oh.. My heart can't take the outrageous thumping anymore! His look can kill!
*girly squeal*!! This picture is SO CUTE!
Note his strong jawline... It makes me go weak just looking!
*sniff* I can't help it! I keep crying when I watch this scene.. *sniff*
Another romantic picture I love...
And a bigger version of it!
Romance in the moonlight....

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