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 Last updated: 2 June 1999

              I have drawn quite a number of pictures, but in this section, I'll only publish the ones that I think are worth looking at. I'm not Picasso, and if you don't like these pictures, it's OK! I understand. Honestly, I drew these pictures for my own personal satisfaction, because I'll get to gaze at bigger pictures of our dear Mamoru! Don't you just wish that there were big, personal posters JUST OF MAMORU ALONE? Since I own a website about Mamoru, heh, heh, I guess it wouldn't hurt if I publish some of my drawings! I spent hours drawing most of my pictures, and if you have any comments, e-mail me! ^_^  Oh, and can anybody recommend me what medium to use if I want to colour my fan-art? Please! Tell me, and I'll try to create coloured pictures of Mamoru!

p/s: All these pictures are A4 in size. So, if YOU happen to print any of these pictures, you can just print them without resizing. Aha! Now you have an A4 poster of Capeboy! *grin*

 Mamoru Chiba    

 This picture was originally Naoko Takeuchi's preliminary sketch of Mamoru. You can find the original picture in Manga Volume 3. But it was so small... So, I decided to draw a bigger version of it! Hee, hee! I really liked the idea of drawing Mamoru bare (but no hentai please!), so I decided to work on this picture. Here, it looks like Mamoru is cross-eyed, but when you view the real-size picture, you'll find his eyes OK. I personally like this picture, coz it's my first fan-art.... And just look at his hair!!  ^_^ 

Mamoru, The Hunk  
You have no idea how many 2B pencils I used up on this picture! I wished I could draw this picture better, especially the eyes (they look more like Ranma's gigantic eyes). I added a "profile" at the side of the picture, and the sign drawn in the box is Earth's symbol. I have this picture as my school file's cover! Hee, hee, as an inspiration to study harder... 
 The Moto Azabu  Prefect 
*dreamy sigh* Yep, you guessed it! I'm attracted to school prefects like Mamo-chan! I just love to see Mamoru wearing his school blazer... And I just can't resist his spectacles!! Here, Mamoru is taking off his wonderful spectacles and greeting Asanuma, one of his school juniors (Manga Volume 4). Again, lots of 2B pencils used up! ^_^
 Blue Eyes (New!) 
As the title suggests, I coloured Tsukikage's eyes in this black and white picture. I was always fascinated by his "gorgeous blue eyes". Because this picture is a black and white picture, adding colour only to the eyes accentuates the emotions Mamoru felt! I was rather surprised at the effect the colour gave to the whole picture! It really makes the eyes stand out, and you can see the sadness and depth of Tsukikage's gaze...
Well, that's it for the moment! There'll be more to come, and hopefully, I'll get to improve my drawings by then! Thanks for even looking at my pictures! ^_^