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Mamoru-sempai, from Asanuma's point of view  

This section is not a manga summary section, it is more towards explaining and appreciating Mamoru's character in the manga. Therefore, should you be more interested to know more of the manga's storyline, it is the Manga Section which you should check out. But then again, there will be major spoilers here, as I will take the storyline to illustrate Mamoru's character! ^_^! 

Naoko Takeuchi created Mamoru based on what the general female population of the planet would want their man to be: Smart, sexy, protective, manly, romantic and supportive. He is the third major character (after Usagi and Luna) to appear in the first volume of the SAILORMOON manga. Electricity was already flowing between him and Usagi as she unknowingly threw her crunched-up exam result to his head. From that first impression, we see Mamoru as a handsome and mysterious (albeit cocky) young man. Later on, we learn that he is searching for the Imperium Silver Crystal, and as the manga proceeds, we discover that Sailormoon and the senshis are also in search of that crystal and the princess of the moon. Initially, it was unclear which side Mamoru, or rather, his alter-ego Tuxedo Mask was on, but as we see the romantic tension between him and his odango atama develop, we are able to sense that he means well, especially towards Usagi/Sailormoon. From throwing witty reprimands each time Usagi throws her results on his head, to teasing Luna to continue speaking in the public bus, we see that Mamoru is highly observant and perceptive. Of course, perhaps the only reason he realised that Luna could speak is that he was observing Usagi all the while! That speculation of course, is best left to fanfiction authors *smile*! 

When Usagi discovers that Tuxedo Mask is Mamoru, he reveals to her the reason behind his pursuit of the Silver Crystal: To discover his lost memories. At the age of 6, Mamoru and his parents were involved in a violent motor accident (the car swerved off a cliff and fell into a ravine) in which his parents perished. Due to the serious injuries sustained, Mamoru, the sole survivor, completely lost his memories-- parents, life, name and all. In fact, his name was given by his doctor, so we have no idea whether MAMORU CHIBA is his true name or just a name coined by an Earth-loving doctor (for your information, "Mamoru" means to protect, and "Chiba" means Earth)! 
Mamoru Chiba, the best student in Moto Azabu historyMamoru is higly intelligent, and this fact was first noted by Ami Mizuno who noticed the school uniform Mamoru was wearing. In amazement, she explains to Usagi that Mamoru is sporting the Moto Azabu High School uniform, and that the school is an exclusive, elite and competitive institute. Later on in Volume 4, we are introduced to an adorable boy who happens to be a junior in Mamoru's school. The boy's name is Asanuma, and he openly admits to Makoto and the girls that Mamoru is the best student in Moto Azabu history, and that he will always strive to emulate Mamoru-san. Asanuma also adds that not only is Mamoru good in academics, he is also a model sportsman. So, we get the picture that Mamoru's an all-rounder, and is higly regarded in his school. Too bad Moto Azabu's a boy school... I think there'd be throngs of girls who would swoon over this perfect student should it be co-ed <dreamy sigh>! In Volume 12, Ami is inspired to be as good in her studies as Mamoru in order to pursue medicine like him. As she observes Mamoru, Ami notes that Mamoru aced his university entrance examinations (which happen to be literally every student in Japan's dream, due to the high standards) and was able to gain entry into one of Japan's most prolific universities, Keio University. Just for your information, competition to enter 2 of Japan's best universities, Tokyo and Keio Universities, is terribly high. This is due to the fact that a degree from any of those two universities is able to secure more job opportunities and a higher income. So, the fact that Mamoru is able to ace his examinations, and pursue medicine, a highly in-demand course, at one of the best universities in Japan, shows that the guy's IQ is *way* above average. Of course, the best indicator that Mamoru's just shy of a genious is the fact that he was accepted to pursue medicine in Harvard University due to his exceptional thesis (I don't know what you think, but that spookily reminds me of Ritsuko, Gendo and Yui Ikari of EVANGELION)! Way to go, Mamo-chan!! 

Mamoru crushing Zirconia's spell as the Outer Senshis later look on in awe 

Mamoru is also a very strong-willed individual, having no choice but to go through life's trials and tribulations alone as an orphan, and becoming extremely independant as a result. Perhaps this is one of the biggest contrasts between Mamoru and Usagi. Usagi derives her strength from Mamoru and her friends and is quite affectionate towards her parents (and a lil fierce to her brother Shingo). Mamoru, on the other hand, appears to rely on nobody, and acts as Usagi's pillar of strength. As Sexylyon puts it, Mamoru is Usagi's rock. He is driven by honour, dignity and his undying love for Usagi. It is this quality which makes him such a wonderful person, for when everyone else is at their wits ends in defeating their enemies, it is Mamoru who gives Sailormoon the impetus to fight on. This occured in Volume 15, where it was Mamoru who slapped (yes, the gentleman slapped all 10 girls) the senshis out of Zirconia's spell and forged reality. Zirconia, who could conquer the minds of Sailormoon, and even the powerful Outer Senshis, could not even douse the will and determination that was Mamoru's. Even the Outer Senshis were amazed that Mamoru could break Zirconia's spell so easily. Ah, it was a wonderful saga <dreamy sigh>! 
Another quality which I love in Mamoru is the way he interacts with children, especially Chibi Usagi. He cares deeply for her, and seems quite adept at domestic chores! ^_^! Chibi Usa's relationship with Mamoru will be dealt further in another section, "Mamoru's Soft Spots". Anyway, it was cute to see how Mamoru handled Chibi Usa's classmates in Volume 8. He seems to have no problem with them, and even offers to buy drinks for the little boys! So sweet! 

Mamoru is able to feel another person's emotions by the touch of his handsAmong the major differences between Mamoru in the manga and Mamoru in the anime is the absence of his power called "psychometry". In the manga, Mamoru is gifted with this psychic power, as he is able to feel what another person is feeling just by the touch of his hands. It's almost telepathic, but with psychometry, not only can Mamoru know what another is feeling or thinking, he can also transmit his own feelings to the person in contact, sometimes to give encouragement, and sometimes to attack and shock his adversary. This power was first revealed officially by Makoto to Asanuma. In fact, Asanuma unknowingly experienced Mamoru's power! Curious to know what happened? Don't worry, I'm saving it for the "Mamoru and Friends" section. This power was also illustrated on numerous occasions when Mamoru holds Chibi Usagi's hand. By touching her hand, Mamoru receives flashes of Crystal Tokyo and its destruction, which are actually Chibi Usagi's thoughts and memories. You can also notice this uncanny ability of his whenever Tuxedo Mask and Sailormoon kiss. Whenever Sailormoon weakens, it is Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask who gives her his power, his strength and his determination, through his sensual kiss and his warm touch. 

Mamoru channelling....Another understated power possesed by Mamoru in the manga is the ability to connect with the spirit world. This power is a little like Rei's ability-- that of spirit. In Volume 5, Clarabellas from the Black Moon group, was promoting herself on TV about her ability to conduct channelling, something which enables a person to relay messages from spirits of the other world. Whilst the TV programme commenced, Mamoru, who was watching the show, switched off his TV, took out a glass box containing the four precious stones that were the namesake of his generals, and lo and behold, Mamoru actually did the REAL channelling to speak to his dead generals! Through this private moment, it is revealed that Mamoru DOES maintain contact with his generals, and that they are always with him to give him support. Mamoru is not perfect-- he has his insecurities, about his role as Sailormoon's protector, and even about petty things such as other guys flirting with Usagi. In this conversation with his trusted generals, Mamoru is doubtful of his ability in protecting Usagi without the senshis (they were all kidnapped by the Black Moon sect except Sailor Venus). He harbours doubts that he is as strong as them, and he even tells the generals that sometimes, he wondered what is the reason behind him being reincarnated. Quoted, "Usagi has all her friends to protect her, but now that they're gone, I'm powerless to even help." In reply, Kunzite urges him to believe in his own power, and not to forget the fact of living in this new karma-- the princess will be queen, and likewise, Mamoru's journey towards becoming king will begin. The generals add that Mamoru has to be braver, and that he *is* Usagi's protector forever. Basically, I've never read of Mamoru confiding such feelings to anyone else! Not even Usagi! Well, not that *direct*. I think it adds depth to Mamoru's character, because he can't be telling Usagi *everything*. There must be certain topics which he feels ashamed of, and I'm glad he has his generals with him (hey, if Usagi can have her senshis around her, at least Mamoru has his four precious stones... *ahem*, sorry, GENERALS with him!). We can't take Mamoru for granted-- he has insecurities, sometimes making him unneccessarily jealous and foolish. He is a very private man. He is not like Usagi, as he does not open up to everyone he knows. Hence, it's very nice that Naoko Takeuchi added this little scene... The manga is wonderful in this way, as it shows Mamoru-- insecured and doubtful. He has his shortcomings, and he knows it. It's the way he works around it which makes him such a beautiful character. 

Another bonus which Mamoru gains from this power is his ability to heal himself and to sustain the lives of others. This power is similar to that of Hotaru Tomoe@Sailor Saturn. Asanuma witnessed this spooky healing factor after Mamoru sustained a cut to his arm during a soccer practice. After being excused by the coach, Mamoru hides behind a wall and touches the wound on his arm with his other hand. Light eminates from his touch, and the wound slowly heals. Mamoru is also able to sustain lives by connecting his life force with the victim involved. Mamoru sustaining Chibi Usagi's life by connecting his life force with her bodyThis happens in 2 occasions.  The first is when Mistress 9 snatches Chibi Usagi's pure soul, causing Chibi Usagi's heart to flat-line. The doctor in the hospital actually pronounces Chibi Usagi dead, but the Outer Senshis explain that Chibi Usagi is not truly dead, and that her body has become an empty shell due to the absence of her soul. Mamoru quickly brings Chibi Usagi to his apartment, and sustains her life by touching her hand and connecting his heartbeat to her. Luna and Artemis, in their concern, tells Mamoru that it is a risk to Mamoru's life as that action poses as a heavy burden towards him. Mamoru refutes them by saying that it is easy for him. The hidden message in that reply is: Mamoru has no problem with psychometry... The guy HAS powers, especially in touch. It's just different than the physical powers of the senshis, or the (rather amusing) "Tuxedo Bomber Attack". The other occasion is when Nephrenilia tore Sailormoon's Silver Crystal from her chest, thus propelling her back into her Usagi form (and from the savage way it was torn from her, it must have hurt). Tuxedo Mask quickly jumps towards Usagi and holds her in mid-air. Light blooms from the both of them as he kisses her to save her life. Soon after Usagi is rejuvenated as Sailormoon, and is able to continue battling with the enemy. 

Mamoru's health deteriorates suddenly as he is connected to Elysion, the sacred heart of EarthLater on in the manga, it is revealed that Mamoru is connected to the planet Earth, and is the guardian of Earth. He possesses the powers of the Golden Crystal, and it is the equivalent to Usagi's Silver Crystal. 0_0... Note that the Silver Crystal has the power of destroying a whole galaxy in a blink of an eye... Not only is he connected to Earth (he can feel Earth's conditions and the people in it), his well-being is influenced by Elysion, the sacred heart of Earth. This wonderful revelation occurs in the Nephrenilia saga, Volumes 12-15. Unfortunately for Mamoru fans, Naoko-san did not focus on Mamoru's newly found Golden Crystal, but instead, on Sailormoon. Again. <sigh> Well, that's what we should expect from a shoujo manga... But anyway, back to the topic, Mamoru's health mysteriously deteriorates when he begins to experience sharp pains in his chest. The seizures would occur suddenly, anytime, and there was a stage when it got so bad he could not breathe and eventually collapses into unconsciousness. However, it is in this saga where we can see that Mamoru is a very stubborn young man, unwilling to tell Usagi that there is something wrong with him. He, who would give the world to Usagi, who would share Usagi's pains and worries, is unwilling to even allow a hint to Usagi that he is unwell! Mamoru refuses to burden Usagi with worries, refuses to interfere with her senshi duties, refuses to allow her to worry for him, and even shouts at her to warn her not to come near him when he coughed out black blood. He even refused to show her the blood! He is so brave, so considerate and so manly in the new-age sense with his determination and stubbornness. There is not once when Mamoru wants Usagi to relinquish her role as Sailormoon for him. Not once. It just goes to show how supportive he is of her duties. He may act protective and sacrifice his life in the process, but never once has he told Usagi to back down despite the danger to her life or his. He is so intense, passionate and loyal in his role as a lover and as a pillar of strength and faith. His faith in Usagi is unwavering. He is so determined not to burden Usagi-- it just melts her heart (not to mention mine!). Anyone who says that Mamoru is just a useless lover boy ought to have their cerebral cortexes examined! 

Mamoru urging Sailormoon not to come nearer for fear that she might fall ill as well... Among the themes in the Nephrenilia saga is Mamoru's stubbornness to trouble Usagi, or be a burden to her duties as Sailormoon. He just refuses to allow her to worry by hiding his deteriorating health and life-threatening illness from her. This is one of the many selfless aspects of Mamoru.... 
           In conclusion... I have just written a thesis. *laughs*! Mamoru Chiba is a romantic, strong and empathic man who totally supports his love and believes in honour and justice. He has one of the most beautiful hair in manga history (something which I love to draw in detail in my fan art!), and extremely expressive eyes. You _cannot_ deny his gorgeousness, and his  presence is the reason behind Usagi Tsukino's beautiful ascension from a clumsy, childish girl to a strong, matured and elegant lady. Smart. Brave. Sexy. Romantic. Possessive. Loyal. That is Mamoru Chiba.