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*Mamoru Links*

I really love this picture!  *dreamy sigh*
The following links will direct you to other Mamoru shrines, which were created by people who dedicated months (years even!) of effort in developing their shrines of our dear heart throb, Mamoru Chiba. Without these sites, I wouldn't even be able to complete this website as it is! So, shoo! Go away from this unworthy place! Leave this place! Already I feel bad if this website has disappointed you, especially if you took really long to download it, but I can assure you, you WILL BE satisfied with these other shrines of Mamo-chan!  Enjoy! ^_^!
THE TUXEDO MASK SHRINE  by Jennifer Wand   
This is THE BEST Mamo-shrine around! Jennifer created the perfect worshipping place for us Mamo-fans. This website is very dense and complete. She has EVERY anime saga covered, and she presents it in a story-telling manner, using about 3000 pictures! Really!! Other than enjoying literally an infinite number of pictures, you can also immerse yourself in listening to the sound files of Mamoru! But that's not all! There's a video clip section and a HUGE text-only image list. Again, I mean HUGE. You'll really enjoy yourself here. It also has a wonderful collection of  fan-fictions, where Jennifer only publishes note-worthy stories and gives synopses for each story. This site's WONDERFUL! You'll go giddy here at Jennifer's Mamo-shrine! Trust me, you won't be able to finish exploring this EXTENSIVE website in just one day!! Don't think twice: Just GO!!   
*Mamolove's personal note: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Jennifer! I wouldn't have been able to do this site as it is now had it not been for your abundant pictures. Thank you SO MUCH! ^_^!!* 
The Tuxedo Kamen Shrine  by Sexylyon 
The link here sends you to the main page. So you'd have to go to "SAILORMOON", then if you want to go to the Mamoru section, click the "Shrines" link, and from there, proceed to the "Earth" link. You must read what she has written about Mamoru. Besides that, Sexylyon is known for her intense fanfiction, and her section "Altelyor Lyon" is indeed a very original concept.  ^_^ Sexylyon's site also offers image requests for the Artbooks pictures, and you can also read Manga synopses there. Very nice layout too!   
*Mamolove's personal note: Thank you, Sexylyon! I've lost count of the number of times I've encumbered you with requests, hee, hee! And I still enjoy "RELATIVITY"!
TUXEDO MASK's ROSE GARDEN by  Mamochick   
(Sadly, this website has been closed down, but I still want to pay tribute to it, as it was definitely one of the best Mamoru shrines ever conceived...) 
Mamochick has a FABULOUS shrine of Mamoru! The layout and overall design of her webpage so fantastic! Her webpage offers really nice and original things, like the "ASTROLOGY SECTION". There, she gives a description of Leos (Mamoru is a Leo) and compares the similiarity of Leos to the characteristics of our dear Mamo-chan. The ASTROLOGY SECTION  also displays information about the chances of campatibility between YOU and Mamoru! *grin*  Then, there the "Pictures" section, where you can find the best pictures of Mamoru/ Tuxedo Mask/ Prince Endymion/ Neo-King Endymion/ Tsukikage No Knight!!!! Ah... that's not all! There's the boxer/briefs section which enables you to see Mamoru in boxers and briefs!! You'll definitely like the "Humor" section, which has various topics like how to know that you love Tuxboy, "TOP TEN LIST" about what girls would say to Tuxedo Mask, (heh, heh)*evil grin* why people think Seiya is better than Mamoru, and many others! Enjoy yourself there!   
Mamolove's personal note: Mamochick, thanks for everything! 
This is a shrine high in quality. Established since 1996, the shrine contains many stuffs that you would enjoy! The highlights of this website are the Multimedia and Humor sections. In the Multimedia section, you can get pictures and sound clips of Mamoru. The pictures are categorised separately, according to "Manga" world or the "Anime SAILORMOON" separate seasons. You can also obtain website wallpapers of Mamoru (I got mine from there! ^_^). Also check out Ganymede's beta-test KISS file! The HUMOR section is hysterical (though you MUST NOT take it seriously, hee, hee)! It showcases a silent movie starring Mamoru and Fisheye, the Mamoru's Butt Page and "Mamoru says" section. Have a good laugh there!   
MEI YING's personal note: Thank you to you too, Ganymede! 
Serenitatis by Sailor Bronze Mongoose   
A very good website. This website is a gallery of more than a thousand pictures of the dynamic duo, Mamoru and Usagi. The pictures are the best ones, so you're guaranteed to have thumping hearts by the time you finish loading the first section! There's absolutely timeless pictures of their wedding(!), the olden times of the Silver Millennium, and other gorgeous romantic pictures. What more can I say? This is a really award-winning picture gallery. You won't be disappointed!   
Mamolove's personal note: Thanks for the beautiful pictures!
Usagi and Mamoru: Nishi's Tribute  by Nishi Rajan  
A new website, which focuses on Usagi and Mamoru as a couple. Absolutely wonderful. Read what she has written there. I really found her writings very honest, sincere and true. Beautiful layout, and very touching words. Her page is fabulous, and there're many features there. For example, you can adopt a Chibi-Endymion!!! She's also the mastermind behind the ISUMEL (I support Usagi and Mamoru's Eternal Love) club. Go see what she's done for Mamoru in "Earth Soldier" section! Just go!!!!! This is a site Mamoru fans should never miss.