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*The Present*

One day, a 14 year old girl named Usagi Tsukino received her exam results. It was bad, and she decided not to show it to her mother. So, she threw away that piece of paper....
... And it landed on an annoyed gentleman's head!
"Hey, odango atama! You with the growth on the head! You want my head to be like yours??!!"
Well, it definitely created a spark with Usagi! She was furious!
"Weird guy wearing a tuxedo in broad daylight! Oohh, I HATE him!" Usagi thought.
But that "weird man" wearing a tuxedo had something else on his mind...
"Hmm... Maybe I'll get to find the Illusion Silver Crystal here!" he thought, peering through his stylish shades, observing a jewellery store.

Next, Usagi meets a cat called Luna who transforms her into Sailormoon, the fighter of love and justice. For her first assignment, she had to stop the a youma who pretended to be Usagi friend (Naru)'s mother.  Naru's mother is the owner of the jewellery outlet mentioned earlier.

On that same night, another party was involved... It was a masked man wearing a tuxedo and a black hat, stealthily entering the jewellery store. Hidden in the shadows, he witnessed Sailormoon's first appearance, and well, for a first timer, it was not bad at all! She was so upset that the youma hurt her, that she started to cry at supersonic volume! But then, she heard a male voice...

"Don't cry, Sailormoon! This is your chance to destroy the youma!..."
After that mysterious encouragement, Luna ,too, urged Sailormoon to use her moon frisbee to destroy the youma. Sailormoon succeeded, and heard the voice again...

"Although I didn't get the Illusion Silver Crystal,but I did get to watch an interesting performance..."

and saw a caped figure leaping in the air...
"My name is Tuxedo Mask! I'll remember you, Sailormoon!"

That was the first time Sailormoon met Tuxedo Mask... She instantly had a huge crush on him! ^_^

So, who was that mysterious man?...

After that fateful event, Usagi and Luna had to continue searching for the other destined senshis.  One day, Usagi was given a tuition advertisement, but upon looking at it, she lost interest and threw it away...
Well, it's definitely the work of fate!
The paper landed on the man-wearing-a-tuxedo's head ....AGAIN!
"Heyy.... odango atama!!!! I am NOT a rubbish bin!!"
Usagi turned around at that voice and was surprised to meet that man again!

This time, he took off his sunglasses and revealed his stunningly handsome face.. *dreamy sigh* He overheard Luna talking to Usagi, and asked about that cat. Usagi hurriedly denied it and quickly walked away....

But somehow, no matter how much Usagi thought she hated that man, she blushed, and that handsome man looked on wistfully, as if he had a vague sense of deja vu... (or did he fall in love already?!! Sorry, I got carried away! ^_^)

But neither one of them thought that they would meet not just twice, but many more times, in the future! .... 

After discovering Ami Mizuno as Sailor Mercury, strange abductions started occurring. Passengers riding a bus at 6 o'clock would always disappear near The Hikawa Temple. Luna and Usagi suspected that it was the Dark Kingdom at work again, so they boarded the bus, but at 5 o'clock. They were heatedly discussing strategies, when suddenly, Usagi heard a familiar voice...
"Yes, Luna, keep talking!"the guy said.  
Usagi couldn't believe her eyes!
"I'm Mamoru Chiba, high school second year student!"
Handsome Mamoru  then took off his spectacles and Usagi found herself staring....
....Into his eyes.
 She realized Mamoru really looked like Tuxedo Mask!
Mamoru also found himself staring at Usagi....
Realizing that she looked like Sailormoon, he quietly whispered, "Fighter of justice..."
Look at his cute blush! *squeal* Usagi really freaked out!

Later, Rei Hino, the priestess of Hikawa Temple, was abducted by Jedite, a general of the Dark Kingdom, using the bus. Usagi transformed into a stewardess, and boarded the bus with Sailor Mercury, but before Tuxedo Mask, and Luna could accompany her. Anyway, it was found that Rei was Sailor Mars and she succeeded in destroying Jedite. Together, they saved all the other abducted passengers. Tuxedo Mask was wondering, "Who is Sailormoon?"


The romance between Usagi and her hero began to blossom when she went to a royal banquet/ masquerade hosted by Princess D. She was supposed to investigate the crystal Princess D was about to show. To get into that palace, Usagi transformed herself into a beautiful princess. Coincidentally, Tuxedo Mask was there too, as he thought that crystal might be the Illusion Silver Crystal.

After some time, Usagi felt lonely for she had noone to dance with. But suddenly, she heard a gentle voice,

"May I dance with you?"
..And she was swept off to the dance floor by Tuxedo Mask!
Unfortunately, their time together was interrupted by the Dark Kingdom. Princess D was possessed and ran off with the exhibited crystal. Princess D was running like a wild boar, and she was heading to the edge of a balcony! Seeing the danger, Usagi lunged towards the princess, but in the process, was knocked off the balcony! Usagi screamed for her life, but suddenly, a strong hand grabbed hold of hers, saving her! It was Tuxedo Mask, desperately grasping Usagi! Time was running out, and finally, he too was knocked off by the deranged princess! Usagi and Tuxedo Mask started falling to their death!!!
This time, Usagi used her pen and turned it into a cute umbrella!
This pic's really cute! Look at our hero's expression!
They landed safely on the ground..
"This time, YOU saved my life! Thank you." Tuxedo Mask said.
"No, it's you who saved me again..." Usagi thought to herself as she saw her hero running away.
After that cliff-hanger (^_^!), Usagi and her friends transformed into the senshis and destroyed the youma which possessed the princess. Sailormoon felt tired and thirsty after that, so she absent-mindedly took a few glasses of punch. Before long, Sailormoon felt drowsy, and fell into the arms of Tuxedo Mask!
*gasp* Tux looks so GOOD here!
 Tuxedo Mask carried the sleeping Sailormoon to a secluded balcony. Looking at her, he was slowly drawn to her lips......
And kissed the sleeping maiden....
 "This feeling... It's as if that I've done this a long time ago... Her lips are so soft, so tender... I feel as though we've done this many times before...." he thought while kissing.

"Get your hands off her!" Luna said, discovering to her horror of what Tuxedo Mask was doing. Luna confronted him, demanding his reasons for always appearing when Sailormoon and friends appeared. "Are you our friend... Or our enemy?"

"Since we're searching for the same thing,... We could be enemies."
