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*How It All Began*
Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion

Long, long ago,  1000 years back, existed the Silver Millennium where Queen Serenity ruled the Moon Kingdom. She was the holder of the Illusion Silver Crystal (in the anime it's called the Empyrium Silver Crystal), the pinnacle of power and peace. The Silver Crystal has the power to annihilate a whole galaxy in a blink of an eye. Queen Serenity had a daughter called Princess Serenity, a pure-hearted and endlessly beautiful princess.

Princess Serenity loved to gaze upon planet Earth, the planet with beautiful blue oceans and green, lush lands. But as much as she loved the beauty of Earth, nothing could exceed her desire to meet the ruler of Earth, Prince Endymion.

The princess always gazed at the enormous portrait of Prince Endymion....
*Prince Endymion, the first Prince of Earth... *
*dreamy sigh* I just LOVE his pose
You're the bravest.. The strongest....
Your eyes are as blue as the beautiful oceans....

Eventually, the princess' desire to meet Prince Endymion became too strong and she sneaked into Earth to find him.

As fate would have it, their eyes met for the first time....

 (Queen Serenity in a voice-over) "You left the beautiful gardens on the moon and its soft breeze to go see how Earth was like..... And you found your lover there...."
The princess finally met her Prince Of Earth, Endymion.

Two hearts soulbonded to each other, and with that blossomed love that would last eternity...

"Everytime I come here, I'm greeted with the cool and gentle breeze, the sight of your vast oceans... Your planet is so beautiful, Endymion.."
"How does it look like from the moon?"
"Like a blue crystal ball, as blue as your eyes."

They were madly in love, and Serenity, despite her guardians' urgings, kept going to Earth to meet Endymion.

The love of the millennium..... 

...The beginning of everything.....

It was a blissful time, with only 2 existing kingdoms: The Moon Kingdom and Prince Endymion's kingdom of Earth.

Alas, all would have been well had it not been for the rule that Moon and Earth must never meet. As ruler of Earth, Endymion knew: His secret love affair with the heiress of the Moon Kingdom was forbidden....
Lovers separated by their kingdoms...
"...But we can't continue this, Serenity...."
"...People of Earth are not supposed to see the Moon people."
"I can't love you, Serenity......"The kiss that bonded 2 souls together.... Forever....
"But, it is too late..."
I'm so happy... so at peace with you around. I can *feel* my life energy surging whenever I'm with you, Endymion
"I only want you...."
"I just want to be in your arms, always.."

Princess Serenity noticed a mass of dark clouds hovering above an area nearby. She asked Endymion what they were, and even he couldn't provide an answer. He didn't know since when those dark clouds appeared, but lately, they had been getting closer to Earth.

It was actually Metallia, who was unleashed by Beryl, a human of Earth. She was deeply in love with Endymion, but was seduced by the dark power offered by Metallia. Beryl instigated the Earth people to fight the Moon Kingdom, for they envied the Moon people's long life.  Being weak-minded, the Earth people including Prince Endymion's generals, Kunzite, Jedite, Nephrite and Zoicite, were influenced.

         Endymion tried endlessly to turn his people back to good, but was only called a traitor of Earth by Beryl. She made the Earth people angry by telling them that the Moon Kingdom was always spying on them. But in truth, the Moon Kingdom merely wanted to guide Earth towards development for the Earth people's benefit.

  A full-scale war erupted, and in the process, Prince Endymion died protecting Princess Serenity from Metallia's blast. 

Princess Serenity could not bear living without her love, and without hesitating, she yielded Endymion's sword and killed herself with it. Queen Serenity saw the whole tragedy. Knowing that there was no heir to the Moon Kingdom, she used the Silver Crystal to lock Metallia and the Dark Kingdom away, but in the process, she sacrificed all of her energy. Because of the extreme shock with her daughter's death, Queen Serenity didn't fully freeze the Dark Kingdom into oblivion. To ensure that one day, Earth and the universe would be protected from the Dark Kingdom's next rise, Queen Serenity used her remaining powers to reincarnate Princess Serenity, Prince Endymion, and the Sailor Senshis into the future.....
