About Nabiki
- In my surfing through the web, I've come across several places where they give Nabiki's
vital statistics, and I figured that, since this website is devoted to Nabiki, I would be
remiss to omit such information. Thus, I have included it here.
- Nabiki Tendo's Statistics:
- Height: 5'6"
- Weight: 126.5 lbs.
- Hair: Brown
- Eyes: Brown
- Age: 17
- Dress Size: 7
- Measurements: 36-28-38
- Keep in mind that any information given here is accurate at the beginning of the series.
Since then, she may have grown, aged, etc. So far as I've seen, she has never had a birthday,
but I've only seen three seasons.
Nabiki Tendo is the middle daughter of Soun Tendo. She is 17 years old, attends school at
Furinkan High School. She is a businesswoman and an opportunist, always looking for a new way
to make a bit of extra yen. Whenever people are placing their bets on the outcome of a fight
(of which there are plenty at Furinkan!), you can be sure Nabiki is behind it. If there's
money to be made, Nabiki will find a way to make it. She is, perhaps, the most intelligent cast
member of Ranma 1/2, and she certainly has to be, considering her complete lack of skill in
martial arts. Nabiki is one of the few main cast members who does not practice some form
of martial arts, along with her sister Kasumi. Instead of fighting, she relies on her wits and
Her lack of fighting skill came as a slight detriment to her when she became Ranma's fiance for
a while, when Akane got angry at both Nabiki and Ranma, and gave Ranma to her. It wasn't long
before Nabiki had Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi trying to kill her to get rid of this new obstacle
to marrying Ranma. Of course, this was not a detriment to Nabiki, but rather to Ranma, who
suffered the constant barrage of attacks launched at Nabiki, since getting hit himself was the
only way to protect Nabiki from injury. Of course, she made a profit, too, when she rented
Ranma out to the various sports teams. Apparently, the going rate for Ranma was 1000 yen per
hour. ;)
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