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Dr. Tomoe and Mistress Nine's Question Page

Nine: We got one lousy entry.

Tomoe: Not that the person is lousy.

Nine: Here's what she entered.


1. Why did the Sailor Scouts get suprised when they saw their future selves? You think they'd be smarter than that you know.


Tomoe: Now, we'll keep adding enteries but it all depends on you!

Nine: We need you, the viewers to enter!

Tomoe: For those of you who don't know, here's what this page is about.

Nine: This page was actually created to be like a page on "Creations of Chaos".

Tomoe: A genius site that, unfortunatly is no longer opperational.

Nine: So we are here to carry on it's mission. Also, TTATN has a loooong list. So We're going to try and get it that long. Please help!!!!!!!

Tomoe: Calm down. Anyway... Our page is about questions that hide in the back of your mind like...

Nine: "Why does Serena wear her hair like meatballs?"

Tomoe: And other things like that.

Nine: These questions are not meant for answers. Just simply to make you giggle.

Tomoe: If you have one, two, three, or a whole list of funny retorical questions. Email them and we'll put them up with your name.

Nine: To email us, just click the picture of the Professor below.

Tomoe: Hope to hear from YOU!