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The Comments Page

Alright, we have come to the decision that instead of us putting out whatever we want and praying people like it, we want YOU the viewers to help us make this site even better!

We need your opinions on:

*A midi on a page getting old? What song would like to hear on it instead?

*What should happen next in our stories?

*The site in general.

*We want to put more on each page. What should we have? Games? Specials? YOU DECIDE!!!!

Also, if you have any comments, questions, things and/or pages we could add, or opinions of any kind, TELL US!!! We want this site to be about you guys! If there's a page on another site that you want us to do something like it, tell us the address and we'll get on it! YOUR OPINION MATTERS! GOOD OR BAD!!!!

We want to be well known too!!! So please, forward our address and link us to anybody and any site you can think of! If you own a site that has our site worthy? Should we have awards? Talk to us! We're friendly and love to talk to our viewers and talk to them because...

We love to hear from you guys!

Another thing, we need more participation on this site! We need your fan art and fan fiction! Your ridiculous questions and real questions!!!!

So please, click the feedback button if you don't want to email OR email us anywhere you see an email button on our site and chip in to making this site even better! SIGN THE GUESTBOOK TOO!!!!

If you would like to be informed about updates on this site, you can email us and we'll put you on our list for the Negabarn Newsletter.

get this gear!