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Grand Zirconia's Credits Page

I cannot believe that I got stuck with this now! Just because Alan and Anne are such winers. Oh well. At least it's a page. Like before, if you think we did not give you credit for things on this site we humbly apologize and email us by clicking the Wiseman to tell us. Also, if your site is up here and it's not linked, that is because Nephlyte lost your address...he's an idiot. Please email us with your address if you would like it linked.

Zircon! Show them the credits!!!!

Black Crystal* Where we got alot of cool graphics such as our enter sign.

Trouble Makers And All Things Naughty *alot of our backrounds came from here.

Red Princess Graphics* lots of our banners

Saphire's Shrine *the home of the black crystal

The House of Eeeeeevil

Tsunamoon*site no longer available

Creations of Chaos (our inspiration site no longer up)

Sailor Pluto's Street Fighter Hangout

Arsonite's Dark Moon Kingdom

Alpin's Sailor Moon Archive

DreamLand-A Peruru Shrine

Princess Serena's Negamon Shrine

Aliens-Alan and Anne's Doomtree

Professor Tomoe's Tiny Shrine

Ode to the Villains of Sailor Moon GS

The Temple of Nephlite

Den of the Witches 5

Mugen Gakuen

Green Jealousy

Silver Moonlight

Lycentia's SM Graphics Page