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Kaoriknight's Fan Fiction Contest

Kaoriknight: I only got ONE entry!!! AND SHE'S ONE OF THE CREATORS!!!!! What's up with that? I don't feel loved! *sniff* All I can do is start a new contest. *sigh* Well, here are the rules for the contest. I'm not picky it's just you need to abide these rules for the readers sake.

1. G-rated at all times

2. Must be about the villains

3. If it's long, it has to be interesting all the way through.

4. Don't include words people have to look up in a dictionary.

5. Limit 1 story a month for contestants. The contest will end August 30th. The enteries will be judged and a winner will be announced the following week....I hope

Simply email me your story, age, and a fake/nick name.

If you win, you get a special award made just for you that you can do what you wish with. To all who don't know, awards are pictures with words on it. Good Luck to the contestants! Plese let there BE contestants!


Wow!! This is so random!