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The Fan Art Contest Page

To see the enteries, go below the text.

Alan: Alright. We had one contestant who sent in 3 pictures. So that means, the new contest has BEGUN!...And we need more enteries!

Anne: That's right. Start sending in your Sailor Moon villan pictures you've drawn and we'll put them up here.

Alan: When you send us a picture, you are automatically entered in our...


Anne: If you win, you will recieve a special award you can post on your site or save on a disk or print out and boast to your friends! OR ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!

Alan: To enter, email us your picture with a fake/nick name, your age, and your email address. If you win, we'll email you your award.

Anne: Limit of three pictures a month.

Alan: The contest will end on August 30th.

Anne: The winner will be announced sometime that week along with the other enteries art...hopefully.

Alan: Good luck to the contestants.

Click her to email entries


entered by: *Mistress Jayme*

Other enteries

entered by *Mistress Jayme*

entered by *Mistress Jayme*