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Galaxia's Links

Yes it is I. The great (and incredibly beautiful if I do say so myself) Galaxia. I kicked that annoying Emerald out and took over this link center. Ha ha ha ha ha (gasp choke wheeze) ha...ha. Anyway, There's not that many links because...well...nobody has emailed us their websites. If you would like your Sailor moon website linked here, you MUST have a pretty large villain section. That's all that's required! If you think your site is worthy (lol) email me the address and if it's got a good villain section (image gallery or info, etc.) just click the button below. To email me, click my picture on the bottom of the page.

Ig you would liket link us on your site, here's Our banner. If you don't know how to link a banner to a site, email me and I'll tell you.

And don't forget to go to these lovely people's sites.

This site has got the most awesome SM pics in the universe!!!! IT'S BACK UP AND BETTER THAN EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of the founders and few of her friends went to the Anime Expo 2001 in Long Beach California and competed as the Witches 5! They won the Bandai Industry Award They've started a club with chat, pics and more! Check it out!

The Dark Moon's Castle of Villany is a great site for all SM villain fans! I highly recommend it.

The Negaverse RPG is a nice semi-lovy dovy role playing game club (probably about PG rating) dedicated to the Negaverse. As you can see, Negaverse is dominant but other villains are welcome.

That's all I've got right now. *sniff*. So email me your sites! Or I will take your starseed. j/k. I'm not that mean, I'm just drawn that way.