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The Movie Villain Hotel & Cafe

The Characters

Into: When we left our movie villains, They were complaining about Pupuran's solo playing (and playing, and playing). They were also complaining about how their lifes suck. Then they started talking about how Sailor Moon killed them and everyone was laughing at the fact that Pupuran was killed by Ur-ANUS He he he he...

Kaguya and Fiore: (Still laughing!)

Pupuran: You know, it's not as funny as you're playing it out to be.

Kaguya: ...yes it is.

Pupuran: I mean, is anyone else disturbed by the fact that Fiore was killed by "the man he loved"!

Fiore: Hey, I'm not offended with who I am.

Kaguya: Yeah, he's just another guy. "people like him" are all over.

Fiore: That doesn't make me a freak. I CAN'T HELP IT!

Pupran: *sniff* that was so beautiful...but seriously, I have no problem with you liking men okay.

Fiore: So why'd you have to bring up the subject!

Pupuran: IT WAS IN THE SCRIPT!!!!!

Kaguya: Well, you could have skipped that line.

Fiore: No wait...*reading script* is kind of funny when you read the whole thing.

Pupuran: There you see?

Kaguya: So let's get on with the original script!

Fiore: We can't...we kinda killed the joke.

Pupuran: Killed it? KILLED IT!?! You gave the joke a slow, agonizing death... Murderers.

Kaguya: Violence isn't the answer

Kissinieum: Will you pick me up?

(Fiore pushes the Kissinieum off the table and steps on it)

Fiore: Take that you evil being!!!!

Pupuran: Oh goodness.

To be continued....