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Diamonds Demented Dufus Page

Rubeus: Okay's not funny! Help me!!!!

Catsy: Oh Rubeus, your yell is soooo adorable!

Diamond: Hey, aren't you guys good peeps now?

Avery: We changed our ways...again.

Birdie: Yeah. Evil's much more fun.

Saphire: (entering room again) Hey! That's what Diamond and I thought too.

Diamond: Yes, I couldn't live without my third eye!

Emerald: Um...yeah. Okay. Does anyone want to hear my story?

Wicked Lady: Nobody every wants you to even open your mouth!

(everyone snickers)

Emerald: Well, I've never been more insulted.

Saphire: Hey Wicked Lady, what have you been up to?

Wicked Lady: Well, I turned bad again and I'm now working on the sounds page.

Rubeus: Am I on it?????

Wicked Lady: Sadly, Yes.

Rubeus: Yay I'm on it!!...HEY!!!!!!!!

THE END...for now.