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The Ultimate Chaos

Jadite: Hello.

Nephlyte: Isn't it just a smashing day?

Malachite: Greetings.

Zoicite: Salutations!!!

Queen Beryl: See, I told you we would be proper!

Nephlyte: Zoicite, please pass the crumpets.

Zoicite: Certainly dear friend.

Malachite: This tea is divine Jedite!

Jedite: Oh thank you. I just whipped it up.

Beryl: Now this is nice and proper isn't it?

(Nephlyte starts rocking back an forth)

Zoicite: What on earth is the matter?

Nephlyte: Too...proper...can't control...

(throws a crumpet at Zoicite)

Zocite: Why you (beeeeeeeeeep)! ZOI !!!!

(throws it back but hits Jedite).

Jedite: HEY!!!!!!!!!!

(spils tea on Malchite)

Malacite: OWWWWWWW! That's hot!

(the generals end up in a huge food fight)

Beryl: We tried.

(pulls out on umbrella)

Now you know why it's called the Ultimate Chaos.