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The Amazon Quartet Page--Therapy

When we left off, the Amazon Quartet were just discussing why they were in therapy and Cere Cere found ou the others had stolen her favorite therapists dream mirror, therefore killing him...

Cere: How could you do that?

Ves: It was just...kinda on a whim...I guess.

Para: It just happened.

Jun: I just realized the sky is blue.

Cere: I'm not going to ask about it Jun Jun. GIRLS!!!! I loved that therapists. He was like an artist to me!!!!!!

Ves: Oh here it goes.

Cere: Artists are the most wondeful humans to ever walk the Earth.

Para: And they all are so

Jun: So

Ves, Para, and Jun: ARTISTIC!!!! (laughs)

Cere: I don't say that every I?

Para: Yeah.

Jun: You do.

Ves: Every time.

Cere: Oh...Well, here comes the new therapist.

Ves: Is that...

Jun: No.

Para: It couldn't be...could it?

Cere: YES! IT'S...

Who's the therapist? You decide on our comment page!!!! TO BE CONTINUED...