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The Composition Page

Nehelania: Hello! Geetings! Salutations! In this section I'll show you how you can get a anime picture personally created for YOU!

Sapphire: Hi other meatball head!

Nehelania: What are you doing in my section Sapphire?

Sapphire: I have no idea. Why are we here? AND WHO IS THAT PERSON STARING AT US!?!

Nehelania: That's our guest so be nice! Welcome. This page is dedicated to a artist named *Usagi* and her beautiful compostions!

Sapphire: What's a composition? Inquirering minds need to know!

Nehelania: Compositions are at least two different pictures put into one using a program on a computer.

Sapphire; And do we know this *Usagi* person?

Nehelania: Not very personally. But her work is incredible. She's help spice up pages now on and soon to come on "The Negabarn". She's really good and the creators thought she deserved the publicity.

Sapphire: Awww. Aren't they the sweetest!

Nehelania: You can shut up now.

Sapphire: What would you do if I said no?

Nehelania: Nevermind. Here are some samples and information about her compositions. If you'd like to use these or any pictures at the Negabarn, email us!

The Movie Villains Picture

Nehelania: The makers made on a small movie villains page. They realized there were no pictures around to use as a back round or a main picture. So they asked *Usagi*. Within a time frame of less than 3 days, they had a beautiful picture seen to your right.

Sapphire: Hey! What's in the backround?

Nehelania: If you look very closley, you'll see a picture of the Kissineum Blossom surrounding Fiore in the backround. You can see it better on the other picture found in the movie villain page.

Sapphire: Hey that's neat! Do you have other pictures of other people in other places and in other times? Do ya' ? Do ya'?

Nehelania: Uhhhh.....yeah.

The Main Page Picture

Nehelania: The makers had the same problem as before. They wanted a picture that showed all the TV villains in America. Well nobody's gonna have that!

Sapphire: Which is where *Usagi* comes in right?

Nehelania: Exactly. As you can see, She's really good and has amazing creativity.

Sapphire: How do I get her to do a composition for me?

Nehelania: That's what our next and final section is about.

The Main Page Picture

Nehelania: Hey! Do you want an anime composition done for you or your website?

Sapphire; I do! I do! I do!

Nehelania: That's nice. Anyway...All you have to do is...

Sapphire: Follow the yellow brick road!

Nehelania: No. All you have to do is email her a detailed explaination with the pictures you want used as attachments. That's it!

Sapphire; That's great and all but you skipped a very important part. HOW DO WE REACH HER!?!

Nehelania: Just click the paintbrush at the bottom of the page.

Sapphire: That's it? That's too easy.

Nehelania: Sometimes Sapphire, Easy is best.

Now playing: American Sailor Moon Medley