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The Witches 5 Questions Page.

Mimete: Nobody loves us!!!!

Tellu: Or everyone knows everything on Sailor Moon!!!

Eudial: Well for those of you who don't know about our page...

Piturol: It's about

Cyprine: Questions you might have.

Eudial: Yes questions.

Viluy: About Sailor Moon of course.

Mimete: That's right if you have a question like...

Eudial: "What's Mamoru's full name in English?"

Mimete: We would try to find out and answer it for you.

Tellu: Mamoru's full name in the U.S.A. is "Darien Shields".

Cyprine: If you have weird, wacky and out of the blue funny Sailor Moon related questions that have retorical answers,

Piturol: See Professor Tomoe and Mistress Nine.

Tellu: Not us.

Mimete: We're the smart ones.

Eudial: We are?

Viluy: YES!

Eudial: So email us your questions today! Click Mimete to email us.

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