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10 June 2016: The Nephrite and Naru Treasury has changed servers. Find the Treasury at
13 June 2016: Still working out some kinks with the move. In the meantime, please update your bookmarks for the Treasury to The entire site is up and functioning over there; I'm still working out some hitches with the domain forwarding.

15 March 2016 Hey it's an update!!! I've been working hard on my original fantasy, trying to get that series done and released, and on my new Nephrite/Naru fanfic. The first two sections of 24 Hours to Life are now posted; the whole thing is finished and edited, so I should be able to make regular updates. Also we have new chapters of Slow Process to Redemption and The Music Box. And check out the Gallery for new fanart from regulars xoBulmaxo and Diewahne and from new contributor StarrDustCrusader!

And as a gift for my visitors, until 30 April 2016, you can get my romantic fantasy novel Urdaisunia free at Smashwords using coupon code TK22V. Smashwords sells internationally in multiple digital formats, and once you've purchased a book you get permanent access to it in all available formats. If you like my Nephrite/Naru fics, give my original romantic fantasy a try!

Return to The Nephrite and Naru Treasury

22 July 2015 IT LIIIIVES!!!! Yes, here I am, with another update. Took a while because I've been working really hard on an original series, trying to get the books out every 2-3 months. And my older son got married last week, which delayed this update a little longer than I planned on. When I started this site, he was an 11-year-old middle schooler, who got inspired to start learning html by my making this site, and now he's all grown up and married and working as a web programmer.

On with the update: New chapters of Slow Process to Redemption, Music Box, and The Shi-Tennou Return, and new fanart in the Gallery by favorite contributor xobulmaxo and new contributors DonnaWeather87 and SemiMage.

Next time, I'll start posting my new fic, 24 Hours to Life! Watch for it ^_^ In the meantime, if you haven't tried out my original romantic fantasy fiction, you can use coupon code VN96E to get my novel Sarya's Song for free at Smashwords! Click the book title to go to the book page, and enter the coupon code at checkout. Coupon good through 31 August 2015.

12 December 2014 Yes, still here, still updating. New chapters of Slow Process to Redemption, Music Box, and The Shi-Tennou Return are up. And there's new fanart in the Gallery, by Diewahne, xobulmaxo, and Seeraholic (formerly known as Molkoholic), and new contributors Owlteria and Kanaikia.

In the news, first of all, I finally gave in and signed up for Tumbler. Check out the Nephrite and Naru Treasury Annex for cool fanart I find on Tumblr and other stuff. And, you may ask, after all these years of resistance, what made me finally cave? The rebirth of the Scrumdiddlyumptious Dark Kingdom Love Revival! Yes, after all these years, Soylent Green has resurfaced with a Tumblog of fanart. musings, and opinions about the Dark Kingdom.

Also, the long-dreamed-of new English dub of Sailor Moon is here! You can watch episodes for a limited time on Hulu (they're on to the second half of the first season now, starting with the Nephrite Dies episode) and the DVDs are also available on Amazon (Japanese subtitled and new English dub both included). What do I think of the new dub? On the whole, I think it's excellent. Naru has a lovely voice, Nephrite has that perfect blend of arrogance and suaveness, and Evil Umino in episode 2 (which was left out of the original dub) is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. The storyline and characters are true to the original, the Japanese cultural flavor hasn't been purged, Zoisite's a guy!!!, and all the episodes have been dubbed. As for the new Sailor Moon Crystal, I can't say much about it since I've only watched the first episode, but since it's based closely on the manga and the Dark Kingdom is different, and there's no Nephrite-Naru or Kunzite-Zoisite, I've had a hard time working up a lot of interest in it. Fans of the manga version will probably enjoy it more than fans of the classic anime.

And, finally, I'm revising the fic I wrote last year, 24 Hours To Life. Watch for it sometime in the first part of 2015! I've been very busy with my professional writing, working on a big series and developing and writing some other novels. If you like my Moon Momma fanfiction, you might want to check out my original fantasy fiction at my professional writing site. As a gift to my Treasury visitors, use coupon code AB47C to get my novel Urdaisunia FREE from Smashwords! (Coupon good through 31 March 2015. Book is available internationally, in a variety of ebook and electronic formats.)

That's it for now, see you next time! (Hopefully I'll have the first chapters of 24 Hours to Life ready by then!)

21 May 2014 I'm back! First of all, there's been big North American Sailor Moon news within the last week! Viz Media has licensed both the new Sailor Moon series and classic Sailor Moon! This means that the original Sailor Moon, all 200 episodes plus movies and tie-ins, is now licensed for streaming, digital, and home video rights in the Japanese subtitled version, and -- this is huge, we've been waiting for this for years -- a new uncut, uncensored English dub version is in the works! You can already watch Season 1, with our beloved Nephrite and Naru and the rest of the Dark Kingdom gang, streaming in quality video (better than the old fansubs and bittorrents!) (and 100% legal!) on Hulu and! Get the details on Crunchyroll and Anime News Network.

And in other news, I've been busy the last few months with my professional writing, but we do have another update. New chapters of Slow Process to Redemption, Music Box, and The Shi-Tennou Return! And some pretty fanart by MoonLepus in the Gallery.

Like I said, I've been busy with my non-fanfic writing. I released my fourth novel, Sarya's Song, in April. To thank all the supporters of my Nephrite/Naru fanfiction, here's a special offer: you can get Sarya's Song for free from Smashwords through June 30, 2014! Use coupon code ZA58K at checkout. In the meantime, my new N/N fic, 24 Hours to Life, is waiting for when my writing schedule clears out a little. Right now I'm in the middle of first revisions on a six-book series, but once that's done, or maybe before once I have some other stuff I'm working on out of the way, I'll edit 24 Hours and start posting it later this year.

11 March 2014 Patience has its rewards - I'm back with a huge fanart and fanfic update! Been collecting some more great fanart from deviantArt, and I'm happy to add art from new contributors Moonprincess93, Blink-719, and MoonLepus, and from familiar faces Diewahne and Xobulmaxo to the Gallery. And in the Library, you'll find new fanfics by past contributors happyhappysunshine (you can find some of her art in the Gallery) and SanjouinDaCapo, as well as by new contributor Keren Olivero, a long-time friend of the Nephrite and Naru Treasury.

As for me, I have a new fic, 24 Hours to Life, I wrote last November for National Novel Writing Month, that's waiting till I have time to edit it. I've been working hard on my professional writing - getting a new novel, Sarya's Song, ready to release hopefully later this month, and doing revisions on a six-book series, Daughter of the Wildings, that I'll start releasing later this year. 24 Hours to Life is going to have to wait until Sarya's Song is finished. In the past, I've worked on three novels at once, and I don't plan to do it again. That way lies madness :-P I'm hoping that I can start posting 24 Hours to Life this summer; in the meantime, enjoy Slow Process to Redemption, Music Box, and The Shi-Tennou Return! And if you like my Nephrite/Naru romances, check out my original fantasy novels.

Back soon with more chapters of the new fics and hopefully some more fanart!

1 November 2013 Yes, I'm back! With some more fanart goodies from deviantArt, including new contributors Slr Steel Fox, Kimmuryiel, MakorraLove12, and iliowahine!

Also, with November comes National Novel Writing Month, and this year I'm writing an all-new Nephrite-Naru fanfic! I actually only have a vague idea of what it's going to be all about, so this should be exciting! :P Watch for it to be posted here next year!

Finally, I've been hard at work on my original fiction. I just released my latest novel, The Lost Book of Anggird. Epic fantasy with lots of romance! For a very limited time, through November 2, you can get it at Amazon (for Kindle) and Smashwords (Kindle and other electronic formats) for only 99 cents! Also available at a low introductory price at all the international Amazon sites, as well. Get it while it's cheap!

I'll be back when I've got more fanart or fanfic for you ^.^

23 May 2013 DeviantArt has been very good to me in the last month ^_^ Go check out this amazing fanart by three artists who are new to the Gallery here: Jen-and-Kris, Lord Opal, and Okydraft.

Also, I've made a few changes to the Links page - removed a few links that don't work any more, and updated a few others.

And finally, for one more week, I'm still running a special on my romantic fantasy novel, Urdaisunia. Go to Smashwords and use this coupon code: AB47C to get a free copy of Urdaisunia in your choice of formats: mobi (Kindle), epub (everything else), PDF, RTF, or HTML to read online! The coupon is good through May 31, 2013. If you enjoy my Nephrite/Naru romances, you might like my original romantic fantasy.

12 April 2013 Just a small update today, a new picture from Loreley25 in the Gallery. For more updates, I need more fanart and fanfiction!

Also, I'm running a special on my first published original fantasy novel, Urdaisunia. Go to Smashwords and use this coupon code: AB47C to get a free (yes, free!) copy of Urdaisunia in your choice of formats: mobi (Kindle), epub (everything else), PDF, RTF, or HTML to read online! The coupon is good through April 30, 2013.

11 March 2013 So, it hasn't been as long since my last update as I thought! Not a whole lot this time; there's a new picture by Diewahne in the fanart gallery, and Pieda the Mokona sent in some lyrics for the Dedications page.

I'm also pleased to announce that I've launched my professional writing career. My first novel (not the first one I ever wrote, but the first one I've released), Urdaisunia, is available at Amazon, Smashwords, and other online bookstores. I also have a short story collection, A Cure for Nel, and Other Stories, available at Amazon. My fantasy writing website is Kyra Halland: Welcome To My Worlds. There, you can find news about my writing and book releases, sample chapters, and purchase links. I hope you'll stop by and visit me there ^.^

Google Translate buttons are now available on all fanfic pages, for convenience in reading in languages besides English. At least, I think they are. If you are reading fanfics and come across a page that lack the Google Translate button, please let me know.

I've got a fanfic in mind, now I'm just waiting for time in my writing schedule to work on it. In the meantime, I'm accepting submissions of fanfics and fanart. If you have something, e-mail me and tell me about it.

25 January 2013 Yes, I'm back!! With some fanart by previous contributors Ashkanie and Xobulmaxo, and new contributors JustineDarkchylde and Baranamtara. I also have a new short story, Pomegranate by Pieda the Mokona.

And I just realized that I never got around to putting Google Translate buttons on the T-Z fanfics. So I'll get that done soon.

I didn't write new fanfiction last November during NaNoWriMo. Instead, I cranked out an original novel that I'd been struggling with for years and years that finally came together. I'm really concentrating on my original fiction now, but hope to make time again soon for more fanfic. In the meantime, I'm very pleased and excited to announce that I will soon be releasing my first professional novel, via Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Smashwords, and other online stores. For more information, you can go to my author website, Welcome to My Worlds.

Also in the meantime, I can't update if I don't have anything to update, so I'm accepting contributions of fanart and fanfiction. Get creative, and send it in!

18 September 2012 Ahem, yes. Update. Finally. I've been taking on way too many projects lately, plus I'm up to my ears in revisions on my original fiction. But anyway, here it is, finally! First off, we have the exciting conclusion of In the Shadows of Paradise. Also, a vignette, Scars by a new contributor, Pieda the Mokona. I normally don't post super-short fics, but she did a really nice job with this one and I believe she's working on some more Nephrite/Naru fics! Looking forward to seeing more from her :D And once again, deviantArt has not let me down: six wonderful new pieces of fanart in the Gallery, by RoadZero, Maaru-chan, NeverJohn, SailorPhantom, and previous contributor Molkoholic.

But wait, there's more! :D New dedication lyrics, also contributed by Pieda the Mokona, and four new links: Pieda the Mokona's Nephrite/Naru tumblog, NephriteNaruForeverLove; Every kind of nerdery imaginable, a tumblog dedicated to Sailor Moon and other anime screenshots and fanart; MoonSticks, a funny Sailor Moon comic strip; and Forgotten Fics, where the legendary Scrumdiddlyumptious Dark Kingdom Love Revival and other classic Dark Kingdom sites have been reconstructed.

I'm not sure what's coming up after this. I'm hoping I'll have time during November to write another Neph/Naru fic during NaNoWriMo, but it isn't looking very likely. In the meantime, the next update will be when people send me stuff to post! (hint hint) Till then, enjoy!

9 August 2012 Sorry about the long break again! I'm working hard on my original fiction so I can start releasing it for sale at the end of this year, plus my computer died ;_; I liked that computer and even though it was 6 1/2 years old it still worked fine, until the motherboard decided to die. Fortunately, I didn't lose any of my data, and now I'm up and running on a new computer again. Anyhoo, four more chapters of In the Shadows of Paradise are up, along with four nice pieces of fanart from Aihara Yukii, ChatroomFreak, JATGProductions, and Rikayu-chan. There's a lot more to come on the next update--more fanart, and some fanfic by someone besides me!!! ^_^ I didn't put it all on this update because I want to get it finally posted and I also want to save some of the goodies for next time (I worry about running out of stuff to post). Enjoy!

4 July 2012 Wow, ok, it's been longer than I thought! ^_^;;; Anyway, next four chapters of In the Shadows of Paradise are up. I also found a great Tumblog, Every kind of nerdery imaginable, that collects tons of great fanart for Sailor Moon and more, including art from Japanese sites I wasn't familiar with. I've posted a few of my favorites in the Gallery, along with links to the original sources. Go check it out for some amazing fanart! Finally, Chepseh sent me some more Moonfight scans, which you can see on the Extras page. Thanks, Chepseh!

I've been deep in heavy revisions on one of my original fantasy novels, but I think I'm through the worst of it now--at least for this novel :P. I don't think it'll be this long until the next update. See you then!

1 June 2012 Next four chapters of In the Shadows of Paradise are up, and there's two new pieces of fanart by Ashkanie in the Gallery.

17 May 2012 ...And here are the first four chapters of In the Shadows of Paradise! Be sure to read the Notes for some links to some amazing fics that helped inspire this story. Also, I've been neglecting the Dedications page for a long time, but I found some lyrics that have to go on it. Check out "Lost in Paradise" by Evanescence!

Back soon with more chapters!

7 May 2012 Quick update today. Brothers in Arms is now hosted at the Treasury. The web hosting service where Dark Amethyst had it posted is gone, and she has graciously given me permission to host it here. It is also now Google Translate-enabled.

I've also added a link to Aitsu Sweetheart, a multi-media resource site for Sailor Moon and other "magical girl" anime and manga. It's a newly-revamped site, still under construction, but new things are going up every day. Watch for multimedia downloads, graphics and goodies, contests, and more!

And remember to watch the Twitter feed on the front page, or follow Moon Momma on Twitter, for the latest news between updates!

3 May 2012 It's been a while, but I'm back now with an eye-candy update ^.^ In the Gallery, there's new fanart from Ashkanie, JATGProductions, Mewmew34, and Migio90. Many thanks to these talented artists for graciously allowing me to post their work here at the Treasury! Also, Chepseh, whose work you can see in the Gallery, got hold of a copy of a Moon Fight doujinshi, and was kind enough to scan a Nephrite/Naru story from it. You'll recognize a lot of the images from it from the doujinshi scans section in the Gallery.

My latest fanfic, In the Shadows of Paradise, is in the late editing stages. I'm hoping to be able to start posting it in about another month. In the meantime, I've set a goal to go pro with my original fiction at the beginning of next year (publishing directly for Kindle, Nook, etc), so that is taking most of my writing time. I may or may not be able to write a new fanfic this year; I'll see if I'm on schedule with my professional publishing goals in late October, and if I have any new ideas. Also in the meantime, I would love to see some new Nephrite/Naru fanfics by someone who isn't me! *hint hint*

One last thing, I finally signed up for Twitter (I had to to get the bonus Twitter levels for Angry Birds Seasons :p). It occurs to me that would be a good place for news in between updates. There's nothing there yet, but stop by sometimes in between updates to see what's going on with Moon Momma and the Nephrite and Naru Treasury!

19 January 2012 Two things today. First, the big news is that SOPA and PIPA have been set aside... for now. Their sponsors are saying the bills need to be re-worked to reflect the concerns raised by the Internet community. Some version of these bills may be passed sooner or later, but hopefully they will have been re-written to more narrowly focus on piracy without affecting non-pirate Internet activity. A more palatable bill is also being looked at, called OPEN. So the Internet is safe... for now. As Mad-Eye Moody would say, "Constant vigilence!" We need to make sure Congress doesn't try to sneak these things through when they think all the resistance has died down and no one is looking. More than this, people in all countries need to be aware of what their governments are doing and hold them accountable.

Okay, item #2: The fics on the A-D Library page are now Google Translate-enabled, except for the Crystal Weaver Saga (it's a lot of pages to do; it's coming up next) and the off-site fics August Moon, Brothers in Arms, and Capture and Escape. I also put a Translate button at the top of the library page so you can translate the fic descriptions. ^^ also please note that now the updates can be read in many different languages!

19 January 2012 If you came by the site yesterday, Jan. 18, and were wondering what was up with the front page, I was protesting and raising awareness of SOPA/PIPA (the Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect Intellectual Property Act), which are currently under consideration by the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate, respectively. (They are essentially the same bill, one for each legislative body.) This law is supposedly targeted at foreign piracy sites (such as PirateBay) but it is so broadly and vaguely written that any website is in danger from it. If this bill becomes law, it will almost certainly mean the end of fan sites such as the Nephrite and Naru Treasury, and people like me who run such sites could potentially be sentenced to five years in prison. To find out what you can do to stop this censorship bill, go to U.S. citizens can contact their representatives and senators (Senators' phone numbers are here) and petition President Obama to veto the bill if it is passed. If you are not a U.S. citizen, you can sign international petitions at (scroll down a little way) and These bills are quickly losing support among their congressional sponsors and supporters, but we have to keep up the pressure to make sure they are dropped for good and don't come back. Thank you for your help, and for your support of the Treasury and freedom of speech.

17 January 2012 Okay, here's the new version of Sanctuary. There are some fairly significant changes, but the basic story is still the same. I love this story, but it's very hard to get it right; I'm a lot happier with this new version than I was with the old one. It is also Google Translate enabled, for your non-English reading convenience. ^^

My next project is to put Google Translate buttons on the rest of the fanfiction pages on this site (I can't add them to off-site pages, sorry about that). I'll keep you updated as I make progress on that.

9 January 2012 Lots of goodies this time ^^. First, some new fanart from UnconventionalSenshi and Xobulmaxo, and a sweet one-shot doujinshi, Eternal Love, also from Xobulmaxo. Also, there's the newly-revised version of Remembrance. Finally, my experiment with Google Translate appears to be successful. You will find Google Translate buttons on every page of Time in Your Heart and Remembrance! I will gradually be adding the translator buttons to all the fanfic pages, but it's going to take a while because I host literally hundreds of pages of fanfiction on this site. I'll make a note each time I add the button to more pages, and note on the library pages which fics are equipped with translator buttons. I'm looking forward to making the Nephrite and Naru Treasury fanfiction collection easier to read for my visitors from around the world ^__^

I'll be back soon with the revised version of the angst-fest that is Sanctuary. The changes to this fic will be more extensive (though the basic story will be unchanged), so if you're in love with it as it is now, you might want to save a copy of it before it changes.

1 January 2012 Happy New Year! I am trying an experiment with putting a Google Translate button on the fanfiction pages. If you have a moment, would you please go the the test page, Interlude, and see if it works for you? And then send your feedback to I'm hoping that this will make it easier and more enjoyable for my visitors from all over the world to read the fanfiction here at the Nephrite and Naru Treasury. Thank you!

30 December 2011 More new fanart!!!!! This time courtesy of Xobulmaxo and TwinklePowderySnow.

And the complete newly-revised version of Time in Your Heart is up now. There aren't a lot of changes; I fixed a few scenes and characterizations that I wasn't happy with, and corrected a few errors to match with official Sailor Moon canon (mainly birthdays). A new version of Remembrance is coming up next; there will be more extensive changes to this one, but the basic story is still the same.

If you're wondering why I've decided to revise these fics so long after I originally wrote them, there are a few reasons. One is because I'm a much better writer now than I was ten years ago (at least I think I am :P). Another is because I'm more familiar with the complete Sailor Moon canon now, especially the Japanese version, and am making some changes and corrections to get rid of some of the more glaring errors I've made in the past. Finally, most authors will tell you, and if you write you might already know this, characters are going to do what they're going to do, because of their personalities and because of the needs of the story, regardless of what the author thinks is right or wrong. The characters in both my fanfiction and my original fiction frequently do things that I personally think are wrong. In my writing, authentic characterization and the development of the story comes first, but I also feel an obligation to occasionally re-evaluate things to see if what I once thought was necessary really is, and to make sure I'm not promoting, glamorizing, or excessively dwelling on things that I don't feel comfortable promoting, glamorizing, or dwelling on.

Finally, I will soon be adding a new feature to the Library pages: links to online translation services! People come to the Nephrite and Naru Treasury from all over the world. I wish so much that I could translate all the fics here into every language spoken by all my visitors, but that would be impossible. So I've decided to provide convenient links to online translators to make the fics more accessible for everyone. Watch for this coming soon!

27 December 2011 Ok, here's the conclusion of The Crystal Weaver Saga III: An Ill Fate Marshalling by E. Liddell. If you've enjoyed reading this epic fanfic, there's more of it at El Liddell's website (link on the Crystal Weaver Saga index page) - a number of short stories and a novel that is still in progress.

Also, some fanart by Ashkanie, and a bunch of new music videos.

The new revised version of Time in Your Heart will be going up at the end of this week (around Dec. 30).

9 December 2011 I'm back, with a Fanartapalooza!!! Yes, lots and lots of new fanart that I found at deviantArt. Many thanks to Dasha-Crawford, Chepseh, Tata, Alkven, Ngaladel, Julia Illing, Diewahne, and Buylova for graciously giving me permission to share their art with you. Among those artists is a long-time favorite who has re-emerged under a new name and with a lot of new art; you'll know her work when you see it ^_^

Also, I've completely remodeled the Fanart Gallery. All the pages are now consolidated into one page, so that all the fanart goodness is more easily accessible for your convenience. Story art is now listed under the individual artists. I've also added a thumbnail for each artist, to give you an idea of their style. I'm amazed at the huge amount of talent and the wide variety of artistic styles I'm privileged to host here at the Treasury.

More Treasury business: Sanctuary, Remembrance, and Time in Your Heart are due for some revisions, major and minor. There are some things that over time I've decided I'm just not happy or satisfied with, with those fics, and it's time to do something about it. The fics will remain available until the new versions are ready, and I'll give you some warning before the old versions disappear and the new versions are posted.

I'll be back soon with the conclusion of An Ill Fate Marshalling and some new AMVs!

3 December 2011 ...And I emerge triumphant from yet another NaNoWriMo, with a brand new Nephrite/Naru fanfic ^.^ It needs revising and editing, though, so give me few months. Hopefully it'll be ready to go up this spring. In the meantime, here's some fanart by Asisko44 for you, and six more chapters of The Crystal Weaver Saga III: An Ill Fate Marshalling by E. Liddell. Enjoy!

20 October 2011 Okay, Here are the next four chapters of The Crystal Weaver Saga III: An Ill Fate Marshalling by E. Liddell, and the thrilling ^.^ conclusion of Solaris, by me. Also, a lovely piece of fanart by toeto x3.

After this I will continue adding An Ill Fate Marshalling (and might go on with the next book in the series). During November I will be writing a brand-new fanfic during National Novel Writing Month, and it will appear sometime next year.

7 October 2011 Sorry for the slight delay, I had a couple of busy weeks plus I got sick. :( Anyway, here are the next four chapters of The Crystal Weaver Saga III: An Ill Fate Marshalling by E. Liddell, and of Solaris, by me ^^.

National Novel Writing Month is coming up soon, starting on Nov. 1. I'll be continuing my tradition of using it to get another Nephrite/Naru fanfic written. This new idea is very cool and exciting, and I can't wait! If you've been wanting to write a fanfic or other novel but just can't seem to get around to it or to finish anything, NaNoWriMo might be just what you need to get motivated and get writing! If you decide to give it a try, feel free to send me a writing buddy request; my user name on the NaNoWriMo site is moonmomma (what else?).

26 September 2011 A big update of fanart goodness! I stumbled across a treasure trove of Nephrite-Naru fanart on deviantArt, and I want to thank these artists for graciously allowing me to post their work here: Loreley25, UnconventionalSenshi, ChronicallyZee, Molkoholic, Hezaa, FenrisFang, Sara Beth, and MollyDarling. You can view the goodies at the Fanart page. Look for the *new* tags to find the new additions to the gallery.

And more fanfic: The next four chapters of The Crystal Weaver Saga III: An Ill Fate Marshalling by E. Liddell are up, as well as the next four chapters of my new fic, Solaris. Enjoy!

21 September 2011 Yay, a big update today! First of all, Molly Darling pointed me to a whole bunch of Neph/Naru fanart she's done. I'm posting some of it today, and the rest next time. You'll find it in the Fanart Gallery. Thank you - I always love having new fanart to post! Next is the beginning of The Crystal Weaver Saga III: An Ill Fate Marshalling by E. Liddell. The Crystal Weavers face off against the Dark Moon family! And finally, I'm happy to present my newest fic, Solaris. The first four chapters are up; enjoy! And I'll be back soon with more ^.^

I also did some work on the Links page. Weeded out dead links, and added some new ones, including two old favorites from the ancient days.

Remember, to update the site, I need stuff to post. So read my guidelines, get creative, and send me your best work!

30 August 2011 Yes, I'm still alive, and so is the site. I've been concentrating on my original fiction this year, but I also have a new fanfiction I wrote for NaNoWriMo last year, Solaris, which is currently in the revision process. Hopefully I'll have it ready to start posting in another month or so. Trust me, you don't want to read it before I've finished revising it. Really. Also, I have a really nifty N/N fanfic all outlined and ready to go for this year's NaNo. I'm really excited about this, and hopefully it'll turn out a lot better and won't take so long to revise. (Actually, part of the delay with Solaris was because I was too scared to look at it for months. It was that bad.)

I'm not getting any other contributions, though there's a fic or two I'm going to look into to see if it's right for the Treasury, and if so, I'll be requesting to post them. Also, I still have a huge long fic from the Crystal Weaver Saga, An Ill Fate Marshalling, to post, so I'll get to work on that. Please, I need contributions! No contributions, no updates!

As for actual updatage this time, there are two more pages of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Earth. Yahiko-chan and the crew are on haitus to take care of some Real Life concerns, but hopefully they'll be able to return soon with more BSSE.

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