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Goku and Piccolo vs. Gohan and Cell

Olikrom: Welcome to another battle! Enough talk, let's get to the field! Today's contestants all claim to be super-powerful.....

JD: .....Yet I could beat them all.

Olikrom: You seem to have a serious grudge against these guys. What's up?

JD: Well, you and I both know that they aren't very powerful at all, and to hear you announce that, It just makes me very mad. I mean, look at Goku. Well, the older Goku. Not the shrimp who's fighting now. He's died how many times in DBZ? Wasn't it three? That's true power. Getting yourself killed.

Olikrom: I know what you mean, but we still have to announce this fight.

Young Goku enters the arena floating on a ridiculous yellow cloud. He hops off of it, and smiles at the crowd. The crowd starts booing.


JD: Obviously, they didn't realize that this is Goku during his early Dragonball days, and NOT from DBZ.

The sky begins to turn a dark black color. a bright flash blinds everyone, and standing next to Goku is his enemy, Piccolo.

Olikrom: What an entrance!

Gohan flies from the sky into the arena. One of the arena walls collapses, and after the dust settles, everyone notices a small green man standing near where the wall once was, palm stretched out toward the wall.

Cell: Greetings, everyone! I hope you enjoy watching me destroy all of these pathetic creatures!

JD: And this guy I hate the most. All talk and no brain.


JD: Watch your mouth! There are children among us who would like to view the violence without hearing your foul language.

Olikrom: Whoops, sorry kids.

Cell looks up to the sky. An evil smirk covers his face. Gohan has arrived.

Gohan: Cell, I thought I killed you! It doesn't matter. I'm still gonna kick your @$$ all around this arena!

Cell: Well, look what we have here. (He looks at Olikrom and JD) You should have given me a harder challenge!!!

JD forms an energy ball of his own, and aims it at Cell. But before he could shoot him, Olikrom grabs his hand, and the energy ball flies from his hand and into the crowd below, all of them characters from Dragonball and Dragonball Z. It is soon noticed that it has become a crater.

Olikrom: Just wait for these guys to finish their battle, then you can go at it.

Little Goku smacks Piccolo with his extending pole. Gohan and Cell jump into the air and start punching each other, neither one landing a single blow.


Recognizing their stupidity, Cell and Gohan turn towards Goku and Piccolo.

Cell: Well, If we must work together, I want you to stay away. Let a great fighter handle this!

Gohan: No way, Cell!

Gohan fires a kamehameha wave at Cell. Cell notices it coming, and dodges it. Goku does not see it, though, and is immediately gone. Gohan looks at what he did, and starts to disappear.

JD: What's going on?

Olikrom: Well, Goku is the father of Gohan. As you just saw, Gohan beat Goku, therefore meaning Gohan was never born.

JD: But wouldn't that mean that Goku would still be alive?

Olikrom: It's a messed-up concept, but that's the best way to describe it.

JD: I still don't get it.

Olikrom: Just forget about it. I doubt many of the DBZ fanatics understood the whole time-travel bit during the Cell saga, but they still like the show.

JD: (scoffing) They don't know good anime when they see it.

Because of the rip in time, Piccolo hatched his son Piccolo, who quickly became the big, bad fighter guy that everyone knows (And the only DBZ character Olikrom can stand). Old Piccolo collapses to the ground and turns to dust.

Cell: Well, this is rather interesting. Oh well, prepare to be destroyed!

Piccolo: Yeah right.

Cell fires a kaioken blast at Piccolo, but right before it makes contact, Frieza appears through the rip, turns to look at the impending danger, and screams. Frieza's remains fly out of the arena, along with half of a wall.

Piccolo: (Picking up Power pole) This has to be good for something. Power pole, extend!

Sadly, Piccolo had the thing backwards, and the pole went completely through his gut. His eyes bulge out of his head, and he spits out a bit of green blood. He tries to pull it out, but it keeps extending. He finally gives up and decides to leave it in there. As he looks up, he sees Cell giving Piccolo a death sentence.


The energy blast destroys everything in the area that was left standing. Olikrom and JD fall out of the announcers booth, shaking a bit, but more angry than anything else. Cell looks at them and laughs.

Cell: hahahahaha, looks like I win!


JD walks over to Cell, and grabs his face. Olikrom could see nothing for a few seconds. When he could see again, Cell was eradicated.

Olikrom: Thank you.

JD: Anytime.