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Olikrom vs. JapDemon

Olikrom: Welcome to another exciting day of slaughter and mayhem in our spectacular Anime Battles! However, It seems my accomplice is not here yet..

JD barges in at that very moment, looking both stunned and confused at the same time.

Olikrom: (covering microphone) Hey, who's fighting tonight? I didn't get a script.

JD: That's what I wanted to talk to you about. It seems that due to all the stuff going on, people want to see who is more powerful-between me and you!

Olikrom: Hey! That's not fair! We're not even part of the anime community!

JD: Oh well, you better get ready.

About an hour later, Olikrom and JD were preparing for battle. JD seemed to be more ready for this than Olikrom.

Olikrom: (stalling for time) Who's going to announce the fight?

JD: Nobody. This is a battle for all ages.

Olikrom: Crap...

Samus from Metroid teleports to the center of the arena. Olikrom looks at her, thinking to himself, What's she doing here? Two large, fifty-foot robots enter through a porthole in the ground. Samus begins to speak.

Samus: These are your machines. Olikrom will pilot the giant Kirby. JapDemon, you will control the Pikachu robot. The controls are inside, and they are easy enough for even Olikrom to understand.

Olikrom: HEY!!!!!

Olikrom realizes that the battle about to take place was very similar to Super Smash Bros., but only they were actually inside of the dumb creatures they used so often in the game.

Upon entry, JD notices his control panel-an N64 controller.

JD: This is getting a little too stupid for my tastes...

Both JD and Olikrom try to walk to their corners. Kirby trips, and rolls over half of the arena. Kirby gets up, looks around and says "hi" as if he were looking into a camera of some sort.

JD barges out of his corner, and slams into Olikrom with all his might. Olikrom flies out of the remaining half of the arena, and into the deserted wasteland outside of it.

Pikachu: PIKA!!!!!

The Pikabot hurls a bolt of lightning at the somewhat defenseless Kirbybot. A blue spherical shield surrounds Kirbybot's body.

Olikrom: Ha! You missed.....

Before he could finish, Pikabot threw him into the air and tail swipes him several times.

Olikrom: That Does It!!!!!

Olikrom Turns Into A Rock And Hits Pikabot In The Head.

Olikrom: And Take This!

Kirbybot Grabs Pikabot And Jumps Into The Air 500 Feet, Then Kirbybot Hurtles Toward The Ground At Very Intense Speeds, And Blasts Pikabot Into The Ground At Full Force.

JD Notices That There Just Happens To Be A Fifty-Foot Light-Saber Sitting Next To Him. Pikabot Puts It In His Mouth And Charges Forward.

Samus: I Forgot To Turn Off The Weapons.....

Pikabot Then Accidently Falls On Samus.


Samus Charges Up Her Blaster And Blasts Pikabot Into The Air. Pikabot Does A Flip, Then Hurtles Towards Kirbybot.

JD: Airial Attack!!!!!

Kirbybot Finds A Huge Bomb Sitting Next To Him, Picks It Up And.....

Olikrom: KAMIKAZE!!!!!!!!!!!

Kirbybot Jumps Into The Air, Intercepts Pikachu, Holding Back His Beam Sword, Kirbybot Then Tosses The Bomb, Hitting Both Pikabot And Kirbybot.

The Kirbybot Was Now Malfunctioning, Waving Its "Hands" In The Air And Saying "Hi!" Repeatedly.

Olikrom: THE L BUTTON'S STUCK!!!!!

JD: Maybe This Will Help.

Pikabot Throws Its Lightsaber, Smacking Kirbybot In The Head.

Olikrom: It Actually Worked! And Thanks For The Lightsaber!

Another Lightsaber Falls Down From The Heavens, Pikabot Picks It Up.

JD: The Force Is Strong With Me.

Olikrom:We Shall See Skywalker.

JD:What Are You Talking About?

Olikrom: I Don't Know.....

They charge at each other, lightsabers in hand (and mouth).

The Two Lightsabers Collide, Causing Sparks To Fly.

Olikrom:My Lightsaber Can't Take Much More!

Kirbybot's Lightsaber Slips Out Of His Hands, Lands On The Ground, And Mysteriously Dissapears In A Puff Of Smoke.


JD:Here, Have Mine!

Pikabot Throws His Lightsaber And Hits Kirbybot In The Head

Olikrom: That's The Second Time You've Done That To Me!

JD:Learn To Jump, Olikrom.

Olikrom Pushes Up On The Control Stick, And Kirbybot Leaps Into The Air.

Olikrom:Hurray! I DID IT!

Olikrom's Celebration Was Short Lived, As The Pikabot Picks Up A Large Barrel, Twice The Size As Him, With Relative Ease.

JD: Here, Practice.

Olikrom Jumps Into The Air And Lands Again, Several Times.

JD: I Didn't Throw It Yet.....

Olikrom Stops.


Pikabot Throws The Large Barrel, Kirbybot Leaps Up, Proud And True, Lands, Then The Barrel Smacks Him In The Face.

JD:Bad Timing Olikrom.

Kirbybot picks himself up off of the ground, and grabs a large tomato with an "M" on it-a maximum tomato. The tomato replenishes a portion of Kirbybot's energy, but he was still more damaged than Pikabot. Pikabot creeps slowly toward Kirbybot, and gathers electricity around him.

Olikrom: I've seen this move before on Super Smash Bros., YER GONNA SHOCK ME!!!!!

JD: How'd you know?

Just like promised, JD zaps the Kirbybot. His shield was up for less than a second, when it shattered and Kirbybot was dazed.

JD: Zap, Zap, Zap, Kill, Kill.....MISSERABLE PUFFBALL!!!!!! EAT ZAP!!!!!!!

Pikabot jumps Over Kirbybot's head, and a bolt of lightning falls from the sky and directly onto Kirbybot.

Olikrom: By the way, how many lives do our mechs have?

JD: Only one.

Olikrom: f***!!!!!! (Sorry, I don't want to seriously offend anyone.)

Kirbybot was almost completely destroyed. One of its "arms" were missing, and a portion of the metallic interior was now visible on the outside. Kirbybot had one option left-the self destruct button.

Olikrom: If I go down, you're going with me!!!!!

Kirbybot opens his large mouth and Pikabot is sucked in. Olikrom pushes the self-destruct button above the visor, and searches for the seat ejection button, with no luck.

Olikrom: I CAN"T ESCAPE!!!!!!

JD: Samus and I knew you would try something like this, so we thought we wouldn't install one in your robot. However, wasn't it kind of funny that we tempted you with that huge self-destruct button?

Olikrom: Yeah, real funny, NOW GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!

Immediately Olikrom's chair flies out of the machine, and into the air.

JD: Oh wait, we did install one of those, I guess it was just a parachute that we didn't.

Olikrom, still in his seat, falls to the ground fast. Olikrom quickly jumps out of his seat and tries to land on his own. A parachute deploys on the chair, and softly lands on the ground.

Olikrom: CRAP!!!!!

Olikrom hits the ground immediately afterwards. He stands up, and dusts himself off.

Olikrom: Okay, I guess you win....

JD: Better get ready to run again!

Kirbybot, who is normally a light-pink color, was now flashing bright red. Olikrom and JD both make a break for it. Kirbybot explodes only moments later.

Olikrom: (sighing) There goes another stadium.

JD: Forget that! Those robots were a million-dollar investment! Nintendo is gonna be pi$$ed!

Olikrom looks back at JD, a pale ghostly look is on his face.

Olikrom: You mean they made those robots?