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JD-This Battle Is The Legendary Battle Between The Slayers And The People From Neon Genesis Evangelion! Now, I Want This To Be A Clean Dirty Fight With As Little Much Bloodshed As Possible. NOW LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!!!!!

(The Evangelions Rise Out Of The Ground Via An Underground Passage, Piloted By Shinji, Rei, And Asuka, And The Slayers Are At The Other End Of The Arena, Lina, Amelia, Zelgadis, And Gourry)

Lina-Well, This Should Be Fun...FIREBALL!!!!!!

BLAM!! The Fireball Blasts Evangelion Unit 01 In The Head. Evangelion 01 Is Now Running Around The Arena With Its Head Burst Into Flames, With Many Pretty Explosions Commencing Soon Afterward.

Lina-That's It? FIREBALL!!!

Gourry-Light Come Fourth!

Zel-RA TILT!!!

All Of Which Hit Evangelion 01 At The Same Time, Busting Off It's Restraints.

Shinji-Now I'm Pi*sed (Hey, This Site Is Viewed By Kids To, Ya Know)DIIIIIEEEE!!!!!

Evangelion 01 Now Goes Into A Mad Rage Of Chaos, Shooting The Living Crap Out Of Pretty Much Everything (Of Course Missing The Slayers)

Amelia-(Jumps Up On The Highest Ledge In The Arena) For Justice, I Will Vanquish You Evil Villains That Oppose Goodness And Peace, Attacking Us With....

Amelia Gets Cut Off, As Eva 01 Smacks Her In The Head, Sending Her Flying Into The Heavens, And There Is Much Rejoicing. (yay)

Asuka-Shinji, Need Some Help? Or Do You Planning On Hogging All The Fun For Yourself!?!

Shinji-That Was The Idea....

Asuka-WHAT!!! (Eva 02 Gets Out Two Rocket Launchers) Sure About That?


Asuka Blasts With Both Rocket Launchers At Eva 01, Which Eva 01 Gladly Jumps Over, Then Starts Shooting Back... This Goes On And On And On And On And On And On Until...

Lina-Darkness Beyond Twighlight, Crimson Beyond Blood That Flows, Buried In The Stream Of Time Is Where Your Power Grows...

The Two Evas Stop Fighting...

Asuka-Oh Sh*t........

Lina-DRAGON SLAVE!!!!!!!!! The Evas Spread Their AT Fields, But... (Enthusiastic Isn't She?)*BOOOOOOOMMM!!!!!!!*

Rei Didn't Get Her AT Field Up Quite In Time.

Asuka-There Goes Another One....

Lina-That's One Down! Let’s Go For Two Shall We?

Zel And Gourry-*Twitching On The Ground* (And Burnt Pretty Nicely, I Must Add.) Why...Did...You...Have...To...Do...That....AGAIN!?!...

Lina-Oops...Oh, Well! DRAGON SLA...

*Lina Is Cut Off By Evil Laughter* AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!


Nahga-You Can't Possibly Think Of Finishing Them Off By Yourself, Could You Lina?*Takes A Deep Breath*

Lina-No! Don't!



The Evas, At This Point, Are Overcome By The Horrible, Inhumane Torture That Is Overcoming Them. (Namely, Nahga's Laughter)

Asuka-It's... Horrible!

Shinji-AAAAAAAA!!!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!

JD-The Pain...Can't...Concentrate...To...Typevuykgfvmjhvghgjg...

Gendo Ikari (Shinji's Father)-*Watching The Fight On His TV* So It Came To Be, The Prophecy Of The End Of The Human Race, The Coming Of The Evil Possessing The Ultimate Form Of Destruction And Pain... NAHGA THE SERPENT!!!

*The Laughter Continues* The Evangelions, At This Point, Are Laying On The Ground With Their Hands Over Their Ears, Shivering And Twitching Immensely...



Lina-Dragon Slave!

Gourry-Light Come Fourth!


Evas 1 And 2 Are Blasting Away With Rocket Launchers And Machine Guns.

*Much Time Later, After Much Unnecessary Violence And Bloodshed*

Gendo Ikari-And So It Has Came To Pass... The Coming Of The Evil...Blah, Blah, Blah...

Lina-Finally! Nahga Is No More!

*And There Was Much Rejoicing*

Zel-Ummmm....This Fights Supposed To Be Between Us And The Evangelions...

Lina-Wha? Oh Yeah! Well, Back To Work! EXPLOSION ARRAY!

BLAM! The Spell Appeared To Hit The Evas At Full Force But Somebody Just HAD To Say...

Lina-Did We Get Them?

Zel-You've Just Jinxed It...

The Evas Then Appeared Through The Flames And Smoke, Completely Unscathed.

Gourry Then Gets Out His Sword Of Light And Charges The Evas, He Jumped Up And Tried To Hit Eva Unit 2, But Is Intercepted By Eva Unit 2's Arm Smacking Him Out Of Mid Air.

Gourry-*Flying Through The Air* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Asuka-You're Not Getting Out Of It That Easily!

Eva Unit 2 Leaps In The Air, Does A Flip And Kicks Gourry, Who Goes Flying Down Right Into The Arena Wall.

JD-With Gourry Hurt Really Bad, The Rest Of The Slayers Team Seems At A Loss.

Lina-No We Don't.


JD-But While Lina Was Having An Argument With Me, Eva Unit 1 And 2 Both Charged At Zelgadis, With Some Very Powerful Machine Guns With Very Explosive Shells.


JD-Hey, I'm Writing This, I Can Do Whatever I Want, Such As Put You In That Dumb Costume That You Wore In Slayers Next....


JD-Yep, This One!

Poof! In A Puff Of Smoke, Lina Disappears For A Moment, And Then Reappears Wearing The Costume Shown Above.


JD-And, Of Course, There Are Thousands Of People In The Arena Watching.....

Lina-That's It.....Now.....I'm.....PIS*ED!!!!!!

Asuka And Shinji-Oh Crap...

Lina Begins To Walk Towards The Evas. The Evas Get Out Their Most Powerful Weapons And Begin To Shoot At Lina.

Lina-That Won't Work.....

Lina Keeps On Walking Despite The Countless Explosions And Bullets That Are Going On All Around Her.


Misato Then Rushes In In A Plane Wielding An N2 Mine(She Was There Before The Match, Just In Case).

Asuka-Who Has The Upper hand Now?

Lina-*Still Walking Forwards* Now Xelloss.....

Xelloss Flies Into The Arena Via The Astral Plane. (He Was There Before The Match, Just In Case).

Misato Flies Over Xelloss And Drops The N2 Mine Right On top Of His Head, This Caught Him By Surprise, And Knocked Him To The Ground Followed By A Big Boom.

Asuka-That Had To Get Him.

Xelloss Then Rises Out Of The Flames Unharmed (He Is A Demon After All)

Lina-Blacker Than The Blackest Pitch, Deeper Than The Deepest Night...

Gourry And Zelgadis Has Finally Recovered.

Lina-Lord of Darkness, shining like gold upon the Sea of Chaos...

Zelgadis And Gourry-STOP!!!!

Lina-I call upon thee, swear myself to thee!

The Evas Continue To Shoot.


Lina-Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess!

Shinji And Asuka-Oh Sh*t....

Lina-GIGA SLAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Magic Rushes Forward

Asuka And Shinji-AT FIELD!!!!!

JD-Like That's Going To Stop It...

Asuka-Well It CAN! You're Writing It!

JD-But The Vote Says...


JD-Oops... Too Late... Well, That's Our Battle For Today Ladies And Gentlemen! The Evas Are Now... Well... Destroyed (To Say The Least), The Slayers Are Victorious, And Lina's Still In That Stupid Tutu Thing...


JD-No I Don't....

Lina-YOU (Censored)!!!!! GET THIS (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) OFF OF ME!!!!!

JD-You Can Take It Off, No One's Stopping You. BUT This Is A Site That Is Supposedly Viewed By Kids... And I Forgot To Make Any Doors That Lead Out Of The Arena...

Lina-WHAT!!!!! WHAT KIND OF SICK TWISTED (Censored) ARE YOU!?! YOU (Censored)(Censored)(Censored)(Censored)(Censored)(Censored)!!!!!! (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JD-Well... I'm Impressed... I'm Going To Leave Now...


JD-Well... Okay...


JD-*Walking Away* I'll Just Let Those Of You People Who Have Some Kind Of Sick, Twisted Mind Figure Out What I Did.


The Dragon Slave Blows Away Half Of The Arena (And The Spectators) And Lina Runs Off At Full Speed.

Gourry-Well... That Was....


JapDemon (JD)-Well, That Was Fun. The Moral Of This Story Is, NEVER Tell The Writer Of The Story You're In To (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored) (Censored)(Censored)(Censored).