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OLS pictures

These were all taken from:
Anime AVI
Visit there if you want to download the AVI of Melfina waking up yourself.

These galleries will be receiving massive overhauls soon (I got an artbook! ^_^). If something's broken, it'll probably be fixed in a week or two.

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These are just little pics of the scene where Melfina wakes up...

Wow, I didn't know Gene was cross-eyed! ^_- Steam or smoke or something is coming out of the pod Melfina was in...

Hm. Could it be...

Gene reflected in Melfina's eyes.

Not only is it a naked chick...but she's crying! ( motion, this looks passably like surprise... ^^;)

Jim: "Aniki! Don't make a girl cry at a time like this!"

Gene: "It's not that!"

Jim: "Take Melfina to the back. Hilda is going to pick us up."

Gene turns away...

Gene takes his jacket off (he puts it on Melfina afterwards).

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This page is devoted to the uncut Japanese version of Outlaw Star; it may happen to have some info about the Cartoon Network series, but that's not what the focus is on.

Outlaw Star and all related characters, storylines, etc. copyright all respective copyright holders (ie. Sunrise, Takehiko Itoh, whoever Cartoon Network bought it from, etc.). This is a fan site only; I make no money off of it, and it is intended to promote the series; nothing else. If you wish to obtain this series in its uncut form (dubbed or subbed, on video or DVD), please visit your local Anime store or