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Outlaw Star parodies

by Kid

The Power of Cheese
*Gene is walking down the street and is attacked by pirates*
Gene: AH!!!
*Gene takes out a gun and fires all the bullets he has. Then backs up*
Gene: Man!!!
*Gets a bright idea and loads his gun with cheese*
Gene: EAT THIS!!!
*Gene fires the gun a blows the pirates away*
Jim: The power of CHEESE!!!!!!!

Jim: How Aisha ClanClan eats a reeses...
*Aisha sits stareing at a reeses chocolate candy*
Aisha: Ill beat u!!! Im a Ctarl-Ctarl!!!!
*Aisha turns into a monster and woofs down the reeses*
Jim: er.....there no wrong way to eat a reeses.

Got Milk?
*Gene and Jim dont have anything to eat exept a few cookies*
*Gene takes a cookie and starts eating it*
*Gene goes to get some milk and finds the milk is gone*
*Jim stands in the corner and drinks the last of the milk*
*Jim holds the glass up* Got Milk?

Drink Milk
Aisha: Hi there!!! Im a strong Ctarl-Ctarl and i drink milk!!!!
*Jim and Gene are off stage snickering*
Aisha: oh shut up u two!! anyway as i was saying drink milk to be
*Jim and Gene are now out in the audiance making faces*
Aisha: Why you little!!!!! OKAY THATS IT!!!
*Aisha stomps on the stage and runs after Gene and Jim. She starts
fighting them
and leads the fight to the stage*
*the fight stops*
Aisha: Drink Milk!!
*the fight rages on*

Melfina: OKAY!!!!! Tonight we are auctioning two young men!!!!! Gene
Starwind and Jim Hawking!!! Gene is an average 20-year old guy and Jim
here is a 11-year old kid whos a mecanical genius!!!!
Melfina: Ready?? Okay!!! You gals ready!?!?
*yells and screams from the women*
Melfina: First to my right is GENE STARWIND!!!!!!!!! *points to Gene*
*crickets chirp*
Melfina: *Blinks* er......and heres JIM HAWKING!!!!!!
*women start to scream and yell*
1st Woman: IL GIVE 10,000 whong!!!!!!
2nd Woman: IL GIVE 50,000!!!!!!!
*Gene glares at Jim*
3rd Woman: 5,000,000 whong!!!!!
4th Woman: 1,000,000,000 for 'em!!!!!
Melfina: SOLD FOR 1,000,000,000 whong!!!!!!
*Genes jaw drops and he gapes at Jim*
*An old lady come out of the crowd*
Lady: Come here hot-lips!!!
*Jim lets out a yell*
Jim: MEL!!!!
*The old lady runs up to Jim*
Lady: Come on!!
*Jim starts running and yelling with the old lady and all the other
women at his heels*
Melfina: Um.....
*Gene shrugs*
Gene: oh well guess ya have to learn the hard way

Duo Maxwell's encounter with Oulaw Star(fanfic)
*Gene, Jim, Melfina, Aisha, and Duo are adrift in space*
Duo: Man this sucks
Jim; Shut up!! You've complained all the way!!
Duo: All the way to WHERE??
*Jim mumbles something*
Aisha: You two've been fussin the whole time we've been out here
Jim: Well if HE wouldnt quit complainin'!!!!
Duo: Hey I didn't start it baka!!!!!
Gene: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Jim and Duo stare at Gene*
*Theres a big explosion and the tank Melfina's in breaks and the gel
goes all over Duo*
*Jim falls over laughing*
Duo: SHUT UP BAKA!!!!!!*starts whining* it takes me HOURS to wash my its ruined....
Aisha: Ill cut it for ya!!!!*takes out some sissors*
Duo: AH NO!!!! ANYTHING!!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!!!! *backs up to the
wall and grabs his hair* YOU'LL NEVER GET IT !!!!!! OMAE O
*Jim laughs harder than ever*
*Aisha steps closer and holds the sissors out*
Duo: AH!!!! GET AWAY!!!!!!! *backs into the corner whimpering*
Aisha: Im a Ctarl-Ctarl!!!! U dont......
*Duo throws some gel in her hair*
Aisha: AH!!! EW!!!! MEOW MEOW!!!!!! GET IT OFF!!!!
*Jim rolls in the floor laughing as hard as humanly possible*
*Duo glares at Jim*
*Aisha throws gel on Gene*
Gene: WHAT THE!?!?!
*One of Gilliams heads float over*
Gilliam: I say what in the world....
*Gilliam get gel all over him*
Duo: OH MY HAIR!!! *attemps to get the gel out*
Aisha:GET IT OFF!!!! ITS WET!!!!*runs around screaming*
*Jim continues to laugh*
Melifina: My goodness.....

Gene's gun and Heero Yuy(fanfic)
*Heero walk up to a tables, whistle, and steals Genes gun*
Heero: heheheheh.....lets see how this baby works
*Heero pulls the trigger and hears a faint click*
Heero: Huh??(Heero dont know about casters)
*looks into the gun and lets go of the trigger*
*Heero looks up and his face is all black*
*Jim walks in and laughs*
Jim: baka!!!


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This page is devoted to the uncut Japanese version of Outlaw Star; it may happen to have some info about the Cartoon Network series, but that's not what the focus is on.

Outlaw Star and all related characters, storylines, etc. copyright all respective copyright holders (ie. Sunrise, Takehiko Itoh, whoever Cartoon Network bought it from, etc.). This is a fan site only; I make no money off of it, and it is intended to promote the series; nothing else. If you wish to obtain this series in its uncut form (dubbed or subbed, on video or DVD), please visit your local Anime store or