
A Picture by Shinji Ikaru, who can be reached at if you want to tell him how wonderful his picture is. I like it a lot.

Another Picture by Shinji Ikaru, who can be reached at if you want to tell him how wonderful his picture is. Another good one.

A Continuation of 'The Fox Eife's Game'
This is a short continuation of my story by Shinji Ikaru, who can be reached at It is not really how I saw that story going, but you may like it.

A very nice picture from Jay. Let him know that you like it.

A Gift from Shinji Ikari'
This is a gift from Shinji Ikaru ( congradualting me on 25000 hits.

Join Me
Here is a wonderful Christmas Gift from Shinji Ikari'
This christmas gift came from Shinji Ikaru (

Kisaragi 1
A gift sent to me by Kisaragi. An excellent Japanese artist.
Kisragi sent me this picture as a thank you for my site. It is an amazing piece of work. He/She calls it practice. If this is his/her practice, I can not wait to see his/her future work..

Another amazing gift sent to me by Kisaragi.
Kisaragi sent me another of his/her wonderful works. Another amazing piece of work. I hope Kisaragi sets up a site for his/her work. I am very honoured to be able to host these two.

A special gift sent to me by Kisaragi.
I asked Kisaragi For this special one. I really like it, and I'm sure you can guess why. I feel very privalaged that Kisaragi has sent me such wonderful work.

by Kisaragi.
Kisaragi has sent me another wonderful piece of work.

Zaku5o: A picture from Zaku5o. Very nice.

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