Thank You Page.

I'd like to extend a HUGE thank you to my boyfriend, While writing chapter 2 I worked very hard and my computer messed up and deleated over half of the chapter and I was REALLY upset, after crying to him for a half hour and getting his reassurance I sat down and wrote it all over again and then finished it in a day. Without him this story would have died after one chapter. He is my most loyal reader and I just wanted to thank him because without him this page would cease to exist the day after it was put up! Thank you:)

I'd also like to thank my friends at school, mainly Kristen, for keeping me writing these stories when I didn't feel like it because they wanted to read a new chapter.

A big thank you also goes out to my sister, Catherine, although she now spells it with a K you choose, for drawing the pictures of the opposite Senshi! thanks!! Now if i can get mroe from her we're set;)
