Review: Ayashi no Ceres
When do contemporary authors and ancient legends mix? When Yuu Watase dreams up a story of course! The series, manga and anime, (loosely translated as Eerie Ceres) is just now being released in the US as Ceres: Celetsial legend. It is based on a Japanese myth, in which a fisherman steals a Tennyo's (like an angel) harogamo and makes the Tennyo live with him. The Tennyo's blood is passed along in their children and one child is reborn as the Tennyo. In this version, Aya and Aki's (twins) sixteenth birthday approaches, and Aya visits a forutne teller, but Aya believes it is all phooey. The the rest of their family goes through a ritual to see if the Tennyo is reborn in their children. It is discovered that Aya might hold the spirit and now she must die.
The animation is entertaining and fits the mood perfectly. The characters (especially their love interests)start showing their true sides immediatly.
They really feel like people here, giving it a realistic approach. The plot gives the story, all to familrable to Japanese children, a new rebirth. It also has enough background info to keep ya hooked. I saw a fansubbed version. This is by the famous author of Fuushigi Yuugi(Mysterious Play) and deserves any hype you've heard about it.
3.25 Stars
3.25 Stars
3.5 Stars
3.5 Stars
PG-13 (brief non-sexual nudity and romance along with doses of violence)