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Review: Digimon

Digimon, the perfect starter anime, revolves around the characters, with their Digimon, who need to destroy a number of evil digimon. Sounds simple right, wrong, the plot is really complicated. The character development is awesome. The series is now showing on Fox in the late afternoon every weekday.

The animation is suprisingly good. As stated above the character development is also good. The show also has a good way of showing different anime styles, such as the sempai-Kohai relationship (senior- junior). Some of my friends got into anime from this series. I thought is very good, even though many shun this series, they give it the cold shoulder. I recommend this series to anyone who wants a good laugh and thought or two in their head.

Animation 3 stars
Plot 3.25 stars
Characters 3.25 stars
Overall 3 stars
Genre "Kids"
Rating G