Review: Escaflowne
Escaflowne, a tale of a young maiden who get's wisked away to another world, a tale of love and hate. The plot is a young track star, Hitomi, is unitenally broguth there by Van Fanel, a king of a mysticalkingdom. They are in the middle of a war and have great large Mecha (guymelifs)and the one that's the biggest and baddest, The Escaflowne, belongs to Van. This series is now playing on Fox Kids on Saturday mornings and Friday afternoon. Suprisingly they said they would make no plot or charatcer changes.
The Animation in this series is spectacular, excellent in a TV series. The plot is a batle between pesonal truths, a real winner. The charcters development is decent, telling how they feel. And the mecha designs are unbeleavable. I recommend this series to anyone, even non-Otaku.
Animation | 3.5 Stars |
Plot | 3 Stars |
Characters | 3 Stars |
Overall | 3.25 Stars |
Genre | Action |
Rating | G(Fox kids version) |