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Review: Barefoot Gen


Barefoot Gen, a movie about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. The movie starts off when Gen and his family, including his pregnant mother, are wondering why Hiroshima hasn't been bombed, but all the other cities have. Suddenly the B-29 bomber comes and drops the bomb w/o any kind of an air raid to warn the citizens of Hiroshima. We then see the aftermath of the bomb.


WARNING: This movie has some very disturbing scene, such as corpses lying around and people literally being torn apart, so if this didn't occur, This would a perfect family film, showing the other side of a historical event. The film deals adequitly with death as well. The character development in the first half dissapointed me, but it all came together for a common theme at the end. The animation, which is very outdated, but doesn't slow down the movie anyway. This is a must see for anyone, but bear in mind it shouldn't be viewed by younger kids.The movie was released quite some time ago, but is usually available to rent at Blockbuster, or can be easily attained through fansubs.

Animation 2 Stars
Plot 2.75 Stars
Character 2.5 Stars
Overall 3 Stars
Genre Drama/Wartime
Rating PG-13 (Extreme violence, mature themes)