Review: MD Geist
What can I say, MD Geist, an Anime that redefines bad. The plot is a bio-engineered soldier, MD( most dangerous) Geist, who must save the world from some evil.(what it is I don't care) I warn you now do not rent this Anime, It is the worst thing ever to be made in Japan. It's like somebody said, hey we can make some money off this Anime thing so we'll find one (don't care about the quality) and sell it.
The animation is primtive to the point of non-existence. The Plot, stupid no plot whatsoever just violence and sex. Everything about this sucks. This is my only review to get a negative. Burn every copy of this movie that you can get your hands on.
Animation | -1 star(HORRIBLE this movie sucks) |
Plot | 0.5 stars |
Character | 0.25 stars |
Overall | .25 Stars |
Genre | Crap?/Action |
Rating | R(violence and Sex) |