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Review: Perfect Blue

Perfect Blue is a story of a mildly successful pop star Trio, Cham, and their lead singer, Mima. Mima decides to change careers to acting, and lands a minor role on a TV show. But Suddenly, people start getting hurt, and Mima finds a website that details every personal thing about her. To top it all off, she seems to have a stalker, and she imagines an alternate self.

The version I watched was the directors cut, which would be rated NC-17. This movie is not Hentai but is very mature. It contains fair amount of violence, and plenty of nudity. It isn't just nudity for the heck of it, but it adds to the plot, as Mima slowly loses her mind. This anime is very well done, that keeps you guessing until the end, but the first half is rather dull. The animation is a little more than decent, even though there isn't much, since the movie focuses on the pyhscological part. I recommend this movie to anyone over 17.

Animation 3.25 Stars
Plot 3.75 Stars
Character 3.75 Stars
Overall 3.5 Stars
Genre Psycho/Horror
Rating NC-17 (Nudity, Violence, sexual themes, mature situations)