Vash the Stampede, sounds like it
has a story behind it, right? Well the legend goes, Vash is a
ruthless killing machine, destroying every town he gets near. But
you don't know the whole story. Vash is really the worlds biggest
idiot, for example he might pick up a glass and it'll set up a
chain reaction makin' the building fall down. Meryl and Milly ( of
Bernandeli Insurance) are after the infamous Vash, and
constantly run into him, (pictured above) but don't think he is
really their "man" because he's a dumbo! This is the
basic setup for Trigun.
The animation is perfect for the setting (old
west type world), but at times can be downright nasty. The stills
are excellent, and so are the opening and closing themes.The plot
really starts to take off, and information is revealed about
Vash's past. This is one of the funniest series I have ever
seen!! This series should be seen by anyone of Ranma or even
Dragonball fandom. See this series, it has just the right amount
of comedy and action. It contains violence and language.