Review: Digimon the Movie
Digimon, The Movie, released October 6, 2000 is a mixture of action and awkward animation. The plot revolves around the digidestined, a set of kids, and their digimon, digital monsters. They must save the world from Diaboromon, a computer virus digimon set on destroying the digital, computer world. The movie is actually made up of three digimon movies. The first one revolves around a digimon fight viewed by the kids years earlier. Next comes the fight with Diaboromon. Then a finally against a strand of the virus infecting another digimon, Kokomon.They try to make them into one movie, They end up making a subpar movie..
The animation in the movie, is very weak. It's set up on a lot of explosions. Considering the movies are recent, I don't see why the animation should be so bad. The character designs are also a step down from the TV show. showing less detail than before. Also the development is nowhere near as extrordanary as the show. And the plot is hastily thrown together, considering it's three movies into one. The tv show is a perfect Starter anime, but this movie goes back and forth "digivolving" to fast for newcomers and little kids to keep up with, even though the children already know the digimon. But sometimes they digivolve and five seconds later they go back to their original form. So to sum it up The animation is subpar and it's hard for the little ones to keep up with. I'm not sayin this is a bad movie, I'm just sayin It's need some touch up work. Only see this movie if you are a BIG fan of Digimon or want to shell out five bucks for the new MD Geist.
Animation | 2 Stars (less than average) |
Plot | 2.5 Stars (normal) |
Characters | 2.25 Stars |
Overall | 2.25 Stars |
Genre | Kids |
Rating | PG ( minimal violence) |