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Review: Macross Plus

This OVA series, Macross Plus, is a shorter version of the original TV series that was cut to pieces in the US known as Robotech. The story takes place in the year 2040, where a young pilot Dyson, is transferred to the planet Eden to serve as a test pilot for the new top-secret planes/mecha. He then meets up with his former friends Myung, a former pop singer, and Guld, a psycho guy who tried to rape Myung seven years ago and they all went their separate ways. Then, they all meet up when Myung is a manager of a computer-controlled Pop singer Sharon Apple.

The series has some great character development, what really set the standard (The original Macross) for Character Development in the US for anime. The action is very fast paced and the animation is so fast, you gotta go in slow-motion to see it all. The story is "A multigenrational space soap opera" as said by some. When it was origianlly released it was part of the Robotech Trilogy that was part of the now acclaimed cult status of the shows. I recommend this OVA series to mostly anyone, It contains the best of both world, awesome Mecha and dog fights and well developed relationships .It contains some strong four letter words and violence, But it's only the language I'd be worried about, since the violence only really takes place in space.

Animation 3 Stars
Plot 3 Stars
Characters 3.5 Stars
Overall 3.25 Stars
Genre Mecha/Action
Rating PG-13 (strong Language, adult situations and violence)