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When you laugh… You laugh with your entire body… It’s contagious… yet the same time very beautiful…

Do you know you have 4 different type of smiles…

- One when you find something very amusing…

- One when you are embarrass… Where you squint your nose and your face turn red, which I might add I find very irresistible…

- One when you talk about the interesting thing that happened to your day… Even though you’re on the phone I can feel your smile and excitement through your voice…

- One when you watch a romantic movie… When that single romantic moment where the boy wins the girls heart… I can see a that little sparkle in your eyes when you smile… probably wishing that same romantic moment could happen to you…

It’s a mystery of human chemistry… As far as my senses are concerned… it just feel like Im home… there’s no place I rather be when Im with you…

What else can I say… I love when you’re around… it’s like you take away all the worries in the world… When Im with you… it feels like heaven…

Because sometimes things are just so transparent they don’t need any evidential proof… I love you plain and simple… More than words could ever say… And my wasted heart will continue to love you…Until the time you notice this undying love I have for you…

Think About it... hehehe...