Ive waited all my life,
For the day when love appears,
Lika a Fairy Tale in days go by, He will rescue me from my fears...
A 13 year old Marron stared at him. He was so cute she repeated over and over everytime she saw him. Marron sighed. "Why would he like me? At school, Im so unpopular...and he isnt..." She sighed again, when she opened her eyes after the sigh, she saw him...Trunks.
And now I feel him standing close to me,
And how can I tell him what he means to me,
My heart stands still-is he the one?
"Hey, Marron," he said,"Long time no see." "uh huh..." She rplyed. She caught her self blushing and turned around immedently. Trunks arched up an eyebrow. "Whats wrong..?" he asked. "Nothing..." She replyed sheeplishly,"Nothing..."
Oh Starry Night,
is this the moment I dream of?
Oh Starry Night,
Tell me, is he my own true love?
Marron looked out her window. She didnt know how to tell him...how? How? How?! HOW?! That question was so annoying! She couldnt answer it and she knew it. "Its so easy to fall in love," She thought,"Yet, so hard to explain..." She kept thinking and thinking a way....but no ideas.
Every night I think of him,
Here alone in my room,
Waiting for my Prince to come,
Wondering if he'll be here...soon
The next day, she was at the park swinging on a tire swing with a baby blue tank top and khaki capris. She was still thinking. She got so high on the swing, she saw Trunks sitting in a tree. She arched up an eyebrow,"Whats he doing here?" It looked like he was in deep concentration himself. He caught her eye and smiled. "HEY, MARRON, COME SEE HERE A BIT!!" He yelled fromt he tree. Marron turned red and zoomed to the tree.
And I sit here patiently,
waiting for a sign,
And I hope his heart longs for mine,
He calls my name, is he the one?
She got to the tree. "Yes? Can I help you, Mr. Briefs?" She asked sarcastically. Trunks chuckled and put down his hand. "Let me help you up." She grabbed his hand and turned a light shade of pink. "So," She started,"Whyd you ask me here?" "Uh...well, I saw you here I guess," Trunks said,"Is that a problem?" "NO!" She said,"Not at all..." She said kinda low. "I heard something from Goten.." "And what that might be?" She asked. "That you like me...is that true?" Marrons eyes widend and went 'redder than a tomatoe'. "Uh..."
Oh Starry Night,
Is this the moment I dream of?
Oh Starry Night,
is he my own true love?
"......Uh..." "Well?" Tell me the truth..." The truth?" She asked like she didnt hear anything. Trunks nodded. Marron sighed. "Yeah...yes I do...alot.." She finally confessed. "Really.." Trunks asked. "Yes..." Marron said. Trunks had the 'Vegeta Smirk' on and was getting closer to Marron till their lips met. Marron was too shocked to do anything. But, she melted into the kiss and put her arms around his neck.
Oh Starry Night,
Is this the moment I dream of?
Oh Starry Night,
How will I know,
Will his love show?
Is he my own true love...?
Marron looked out her window that day, remembering that first kiss she had....with him. How? She still doesnt know....