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DBGT Evil Shenlong Saga

Shortly after the defeat of the android, Super 17 and the death of Krillin. Goku decides that the only way to bring Krillin back to life is to use the seven earth dragon balls and make that specific wish. The task on finding the dragon balls was not hard at all with the dragon ball radar. The dragon balls were quickly uncovered and the whole gang of fighters gathered outside to make the wish to the eternal dragon. Once the dragon was summoned, the surrounding enviroment was a bit different. The sky was more dark and the atmosphere was filled with smoke. All of a sudden Shenlong appeared with a menacing look, a dark coating of scales and a cigar in his mouth. Shenlong is evil. Goku was shocked and didn't mind how Evil Shenlong looked like but just continued on with the wish instead. Evil Shenlong simply ignored and coughed a bunch of smoke in Goku's face. Goku asks Evil Shenlong what has happened and Evil Shenlong replies that he will not confirm any more wishes simply because that too many negative wishes were granted in the past. Pan then knows that all the bad wishes caused the dragon balls to crack and break, releasing this evil creature. Evil Shenlong tells of Goku that the only way to repair the dragon balls back to it's normal state is by defeating the 7 shenlongs. Goku is puzzled but then Evil Shenlong twirls around and morphs into seven shadowy figures, all sending off to different directions. The dragon balls turn into a dark blue shading rather than the orange type, indicating that they are now evil. Pan decides that each of those shadowy figures must have been the 7 shenlongs and that each of them has a certain element, which their true form will only appear if they are exposed to it. Pan and Goku is then determined to set off to fight against the shenlongs and bring peace back to the dragon balls and Krillin as well.

Goku and Pan's first opponent appears near an extremely polluted lake. The shenlong that lurks here is Ryan-Shenlong. This dragon was born when a wish was made to restore Bora back to life. His element is water and plans on tricking both Goku and Pan into the lake and defeat them from there. It then turns out that Ryan-Shenlong's plans didn't work that well and it eventually got himself killed. Pan retrieves the the 2 star dragon ball from the now dead Ryan-Shenlong and spots the dragon ball change it's colour back to orange.

According to the dragon ball radar, the next dragon was detected and identified as Uu-Shenlong. This dragon was born from the 5 star dragon ball and the wish of Goku's life after the battle against Raditz long ago. Uu-Shenlong inhabits the element of lightning. After a long battle, rain starts to pour from the skies and weakens Uu-Shenlong. This sets up a crossfire Kamehameha from Pan (Pan's first shot) and Goku. With a huge explosion, the now orange 5 star dragon ball hovers towards Goku.

Next comes Ryuu-Shenlong. She was born from the 6 star dragon ball and posseses the powers of wind elements. During the battle between Ryuu-Shenlong and Goku, Goku keeps asking what wish was the shenlong from. But Ryuu- Shenlong refuses to answer many times but finally coughs up the answer that it was when Oolong made the wish for women's underwear during the escape from Pilaf. Goku cracks up and then easily brings down Ryuu-Shenlong, restoring the 6 star dragon ball.

Soon after, Pan and Goku encounters with Chii-Shenlong of the 7 star dragon ball. This dragon seems to be of the earth type and its wish was from the lives of those people killed by Majin-Vegeta. Pan decides to fight the dragon but she falls into a trap and gets inhaled by the dragon. This causes Chii-Shenlong to become even more stronger and triggers Goku to go into Super Sayian 4. Goku tricks the shenlong back and retrieves pan back while dealing harsh blows to Chii-Shenlong. Chii-Shenlong dies and the 7 star dragon ball is uncovered.

Next in line, Pan and Goku finds Suu-Shenlong which is the dragon of the 4 star dragon ball and of the ice element. Suu-Shenlong comes from the wish when Piccolo's life was returned. Pan decides to step aside from this battle and let Goku go one on one with this ice type dragon. After awhile, the fight is interupted by Suu-Shenlong's brother, San-Shenlong. San-Shenlong inhabits the fire element and is born from the 3 star dragon ball. Suu-Shenlong tells his brother that he has no honor in interferring with the match and that ticked San-Shenlong off. San-Shenlong then gets defeated and the 3 star dragon ball easily rolls over to Pan. Now Suu-Shenlong and Goku can continue their battle.

Within a short amount of time, the fearsome 1 star dragon appears and inteferes with Goku and Suu-Shenlong's battle. This 1 star dragon is named Li- Shenlong. Without much hesitation, Li-Shenlong slays Suu-Shenlong in a flash and the 4 star dragon ball is thrown at Pan for retrieval. Li-Shenlong insists on challenging Goku and Goku accepts the match. Goku knows of Li-Shenlong's power and therefore morphs into Super Saiyan 4. Even at this level, Li-Shenlong was not strong enough to handle Goku's powers and therefore spots Pan with her bag of dragon balls. Li-Shenlong runs over and grabs the dragon balls from Pan and fuses with them into Li-Shenlong's body. Making Li-Shenlong about 30 times stronger then he already is. Goku gets angry and tries his best to hit the improved Li-Shenlong. And Goku ends up being tossed around dough.

Trunks, Gohan, Goten and Uboo arrives at the battle field and is willing to give all their source of energy to Goku so that he can continue fighting. Goku accepts the gift and Uboo tries to block Li-Shenlong while Trunks, Goten and Gohan transfer energy to Goku in Super Sayian form. Goku eventually recovers from his wounds and the other 4 warriors take cover as they need time to rest. Out of nowhere, Vegeta arrives with a tail created by Bulma's ray gun. With this tail, Vegeta is now capable of entering Super Sayian 4. Still at this rate, bothe SS4 Goku and Vegeta is still not strong enough to defeat Li-Shenlong. Vegeta suggests that Goku and him fuse together by the fusion dance in order to evolute to a higher power level. Li-Shenlong becomes confused at what Goku and Vegeta are doing but soon after finds out that they have now transformed into Super Sayian 4 Gogeta! Li-Shenlong gets hurled to every corner and angle and he starts getting teased for being weak by Gogeta. Li-Shenlong charges up an enormous Ki orb containing the powers of all 7 shenlongs and focuses the shot towards Gogeta. Gogeta uses one lethal kick and exterminates all the energy in the blast and then bounces it off to the sky. Li-Shenlong was terrified and all of his 7 fused dragon balls are released and restored once again. Now with Li-Shenlong at his normal state, Gogeta takes this to advantage and decides to finish off Li-Shenlong but just when Gogeta was about to land a blow on the dragon, Gogeta begins to separate and returns back to Vegeta and Goku. Vegeta asks why the fusion form was limited to such a short amount of time and Goku suspects that it was too much power in Gogeta that made the time limit shrink. During this time, Li-Shenlong sneaks back at the 7 dragon balls and fuses with them once again. But Goku stops the 4 star dragon ball from entering Li-Shenlong's body just in time and forces the dragon ball down Goku's throat. Now with the 4 star dragon ball inside Goku's stomach, Li-Shenlong is unable to reach full power and complete his fusion due to the missing 4 star dragon ball. Vegeta then suggests that Goku should fuse with him again but Goku is already worned out from previous battles. Vegeta does not care about Goku's current condition and still recommends a fusion. Goku has no choice but to give it a shot and does the fusion dance again. A flash appears and Vegeta appears in his fusion pose as well as Goku but the size of Goku's body is now in his child state. Vegeta and Goku can no longer fuse mainly because of the size differences of their bodies and Goku starts laughing. While this was happening, the 4 star dragon ball grows on Goku's forehead and Li-Shenlong was shocked to see that happen.

Goku then coughs up the 4 star dragon ball and Li-Shenlong immediately grabs it and fuses it into his body. Goku quickly comes up with the idea of using the Spirit Bomb attack on Li-Shenlong as it is the last and only way to destroy him. Goku sends out a message to everyone on earth and space to help him gather energy by rasing their hands into the air and focusing the sources of power into the palms. Li-Shenlong stares at the enormous Spirit Bomb as it is being thrown towards him. Li-Shenlong gets caught in the wrath and disintegrates into thin air. The 7 dragon balls return back to it's normal state and the good Shenlong Appears in the sky.

While Shenlong is hovering, he tells to Goku that no more wishes will be granted because too many of the wishes were misused in the past. Goku talks Shenlong into granting one final wish and Shenlong decides to give some sympathy. Goku's wish was to restore everyone's lives that were killed by the evil Shenlongs and to restore Krillin's life as well. Shenlong agrees to grant the wish and tells Goku to ride upon Shenlong's back.

Goku does as he is told and heads off into the sky with Shenlong. Meanwhile, Goten and Gohan help Chi-Chi to cook up a big feast and invite all their friends for a celebration for Goku. Pan then spots Goku's clothes scattered on floor and asks Vegeta what has happened to Goku. Vegeta replies that Goku has gone to better place and leaves the scene. Goku while riding on Shenlong's head visits the Z warriors one last time and talks for awhile before farewells were made. With the last scene showing that Goku ends up lying down and having the 7 dragon balls fuse into him, his power grows tremendously and Shenlong picks him up and soars towards the screen and with a flash, everything disappears.

The End


There are other movies regarding Goku's descendent, a kid that looks just like Goku and Pan as his grandmother. The one that finishes the whole entire Dragon Ball series off is when Vegeta's descendent fights Goku's descendent in a World Martial Arts Tournament. Pan watches proudly in the audience as the battle is being held but she spots Goku in the audience across as well. Pan tries her best to hurry over to where Goku was but Goku walks away and disappears. Afterwards scenes of past Dragon Ball adventures are shown and the great fighting saga sadly comes to an end.

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