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Intellgience is a Matter of Opinion


Melissa learns how to use a web cam

For those of you who don't know me, I consider myself pretty handy/smart when it comes to computers and things related. Today, I came to the realization that intelligence is really only a matter of opinion. It all started when a dear friend of mine sent me some goofy web cam picutres, you see my sister has a nifty little IBM cam mounted on her monitor so I thought "Hey, I can do that!". Well my friends, lets just say the series of trials and tribulations that followed do not support my previous compu-confidence what-so-ever...

Is this how you turn it on?
Did you know the cameras come on by themselves when you start the application? In addition this one in particular starts a timing option that takes a picture every 45 seconds, how intresting huh? This is where I am trying to turn the camera on, even though it obviously is...

Why won't you turn on, damn it!?
Here I am trying to make the camera work through my oustounding computing skills, little do I know the little demonic device is taking matters into it's own tiny hands.

No, I didn't break it!
"No, I didn't break it you idiot!" Here I am kindly informing my sister that I did not break her precious piece of crap camera, and yes it was detachable (after I ripped it off the base). As you can clearly tell, I have by now narrowed it down to a hardware problem. I am so clever.

So I did break it.
So I may have broken it, it isn't my fault IBM decided to create a mini HAL. (yes that is a reference to Space Odessey:2001 a very cool movie so bite your tounge nay-sayers) Right about now, I looked down to the tool bar and saw around 30 little blinking boxes that say 'SCREEN CAPTURE' on strange...

but I fixed it
A-HA! this is the exact second I realized the little f***ing thing has been working the whole entertaining...hehe. *fumes silently*

Sheepish much?
Hehe...yeah I am blond.

I am so suave
And so this concludes my diatribe on why we should all pray they don't require adept Web Cam-ing skills at the Texas Tech college of engineering this fall...aren't I suave?