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Chibbi San

Chibbi San
Queen of Venus/ Co-Ruler of Everything (Besides God, but that's besides the point)
Crazy Co. (I was crazy once)

So, who is Chibbi San? Well, she's one of my best friends in the whole world. I met her during my sophomore year and her freshman year of high school. We were in Gym class folding papers. Every time I'm folding papers for mass mailings now, I think of her. Here are just a few facts

Hair color: What month is it? Well, anyway, it's always some shade of red, brown or black.
Eye color: Brown. :) She's my Brown Eyed Girl
Musical Talent: She has one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard (Second only to my sister)
College Plans: She's currently a freshman in college studying to be either a radio personality or journalist. I don't remember which one she decided on if she did decide on one yet.

More info coming soon.